
To prevent you from running away: don't make these terrible mistakes during sex with a new partner

Sometimes women take intimacy with a new partner so seriously that they make mistakes after which even the most interested man can simply run away. We talked with sexologist Irina Nim, who told us what mistakes most often spoil sexual intimacy. Moreover, these moments work both towards men and women.

Pretend, not be yourself

Falsehood is felt on an intuitive level, sooner or later the partner will understand that you tried to appear to be someone you really are not. Trust will disappear instantly.

Please your partner too much, forgetting about yourself

Irina: “It is important for a woman to feel comfortable and safe with her partner in order to relax and get aroused in the process, because arousal comes to a relaxed body.” As a result, intimacy brings discomfort to both.

what moments will ruin any sex

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Do not tell your partner where and how nice

It would be good to know yourself and your body, as he thinks our expert. If you don't know how to please yourself, how will your partner figure it out? As a result, sex will turn into a tense process with an unknown ending.

Take a break from the process, get lost in thoughts

“Did I turn off the iron? What if I look ugly during orgasm? Throw away all this – otherwise, you won’t get any orgasm at all,” explains the expert.

Point out your partner’s mistakes

This also includes judging your partner is that the pleasure did not come. If you want to correct him, do it as tactfully as possible. Remember, men's egos are very fragile.

Place all responsibility for sex on your partner

Sex is a two-person job. “For sex to bring maximum pleasure, be included in what is happening, do not expect a miracle from your partner, you are a full participant,” says Irina.

Tolerate what you don’t like

There are no forbidden moments in sex if the process itself does not harm both partners and they agreed on some things in advance. “Neither of the couple has the right to practice things in bed that the other half does not approve of. Don’t be surprised if, after your experiments, which you carry out without asking, your partner no longer agrees to be alone with you,” our expert comments.