
Even lazy people can cope: 15 interesting ways to burn calories without sports and diets

Getting rid of a couple hundred extra calories is much easier than it seems.

Even lazy people can handle it: 15 interesting ways to burn calories without sports and diets

Any of our actions are accompanied by the consumption of calories. This is a continuous process that all body systems work on. Even such basic things as brushing your teeth or eating are accompanied by a release of energy. We'll tell you how you can burn calories in a fun and easy way without training or food restrictions.

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1 Active shopping

Shopping is a fun and unusual way to burn a couple hundred calories in just one hour. By walking through just one shopping center, you can cover a distance of 1.5-2 kilometers. And if you add changing clothes in the fitting room to such activity, then energy consumption increases significantly.

2 Bowling game

Bowling is equivalent to squats, where the ball is a weight, because you need to actively move while playing. By constantly bending over and throwing, you not only burn calories, but also make your ligaments and joints more mobile. A huge advantage of bowling is that it improves overall well-being and gives you a good mood due to the production of endorphins and serotonin – the hormones of happiness.

3 Sound sleep


Few people know, but during sleep the body is also capable of expending energy. Energy metabolism does not stop for a minute, and even while resting, you can burn 70 calories in an hour without moving at all. Imagine, just one night with 8 hours of sleep burns over 500 calories!

4 Cleaning

Cleaning can be done not only to keep the house clean, but also to lose weight. The more actively you move while tidying up, the more calories you will burn. Here you don’t have to limit yourself in choosing an activity: ironing, washing by hand, washing the floor or vacuuming, wiping off dust, washing windows.

5 Hot baths

Thanks to hot baths with essential oils or herbal decoctions, you can fully relax , increase performance, correct your figure and get rid of cellulite. Due to the high temperature of the water, the circulatory system begins to work better, saturating all tissues and organs with oxygen and starting metabolic processes.

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6 Long walks< /h2>

Walking is the most accessible, simple and popular form of physical activity. To maintain a balance between energy intake and expenditure, it is recommended to walk at least 10,000 steps per day. This option of physical activity is especially useful for those who cannot exercise regularly, but want to control their current weight. Long walks have undeniable benefits: they regulate cortisol (stress hormone) levels, improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

7 Watching movies

World cinema comes to the aid of those who need to burn extra calories without leaving home. You need to give preference to comedies to laugh heartily, because when you laugh or smile, dozens of different facial muscles are activated. Just one hour of laughter burns about 300 calories.

8 Walking up the stairs

While walking up the stairs, all the muscles of the legs are involved, thanks to which can help you both say goodbye to extra pounds and build up some muscle mass. If you get into the habit of going up and down the stairs instead of the elevator, then in just a month you will notice improvements: your buttocks and thighs will become more toned, your endurance will increase and shortness of breath will decrease.

9 Game of darts

Darts is an active game that requires concentration and dexterity. By throwing darts for one hour, you can not only release all the anger and calm down, but also use most of the muscles, which, in turn, will burn all the calories you eat during the day.

10 Dancing

Dancing is a great alternative to playing sports if you don’t want to go to a fitness club, but are already tired of home workouts. The most energy-consuming types are: Latin American, strip, hip-hop and contemporary.

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11 Easy warm-up

Exercising in the morning is a great way to perk up without caffeine and relieve tension in the body after a long sleep. In a half-hour warm-up, you can burn up to 100 calories and gain lightness in your body for the rest of the day.

12 Driving a car

When driving, maximum concentration and attentiveness are required, because for which the body has to spend much more calories than if you were a passenger. Driving a car sometimes creates nervous tension, especially during long trips, then the brain begins to expend a large amount of energy.

13 Learning new things


During mental stress, the brain actively consumes nutrients that enter the body with food, therefore, the more intense the brain activity, the more calorie consumption. You can read, write, learn poetry or do analytical reports – calories will be burned during any intellectual activity.

14 Hair styling

During the styling process, you probably feel tension in your hands when you have to lift them up. When creating a hairstyle, the muscles of the arms and neck are actively used, so the calorie consumption will be appropriate.

15 Proper breathing

During breathing, the body has to continuously expend energy on stretching and contracting muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. Thanks to the right breathing techniques, you can significantly increase your metabolism and expend more energy than usual.