
If your muscles hurt after training: is this normal and what to do to relieve discomfort?

Do you think that if everything hurts after playing sports, that means you are on the path to success? This is not entirely true. We'll tell you why muscles sometimes hurt after training and how you can reduce this unpleasant feeling.

If your muscles hurt after a workout: is it normal this and what to do to relieve discomfort

Should muscles hurt after training
If they hurt: what to do
How to perform self-massage
What is myofascial release and how is it done< br> Prevention

Should muscles hurt after training

When we exercise, our muscles experience physical stress, which stimulates their growth and development. However, sometimes after an intense workout we may experience muscle pain or discomfort, which is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

DOMS usually appears 24 to 48 hours after exercise and can last up to several days. It is caused by microtraumas in the muscles caused by intense physical exercise, especially if the muscles are not accustomed to such stress. In this case, training can cause damage to muscle fibers, which leads to a response in the form of inflammation.

This inflammatory process, on the one hand, promotes muscle growth and adaptation, but on the other hand, it can cause pain and discomfort. However, while DOMS can sometimes be unpleasant, it is the body's natural response to new or intense physical activity.

Pain can occur not only in beginners without training, but even in the most experienced athletes, especially when changing the intensity of training or introducing new exercises.

If you do not take into account the level of load, severe muscle pain after training most often they say that the lesson was conducted incorrectly. Soreness in the muscles does not mean that the training was of high quality, and the muscles grow and develop. Most often this is not the case.

A well-constructed workout does not necessarily mean that your muscles will ache after it. It is important to maintain the correct dosage of load, number of repetitions and recovery between approaches, as well as the number of these approaches and weight. Such a workout can be painless and effective, and the next day there will be no pain.

If your muscles hurt after training: what to do

If it does happen that your muscles hurt , then first of all, of course, the best way to recover is proper rest. One or two days without stress and good sleep of 7-8 hours. A better method has not yet been invented.

You can also add massage to those muscle groups that hurt the most. This is a massage from both a massage therapist and myofascial release. In this case, the massage should also be painless – in any case, you need to wait until the muscle inflammation goes away a little, and only after that begin any mechanical effects on the muscles.

Warm baths and saunas are also good ways to recover. Our task is to return the muscle to its original state. When a muscle hurts, it means that it is in spasm after exercise, so the muscle fiber changes its state. Accordingly, we need to relax the spasmodic area.

Thus, the muscle returns to its original state, the soreness goes away, and you can load yourself again. Full recovery lasts at least 72 hours; therefore, during periods of pain, it is better not to load this group. For example, if your legs hurt, then the next workout for this muscle group should be done no earlier than three days later.

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How to perform self-massage

Self-massage can be useful for relieving muscle pain after exercise. You can use different methods:

  • Before the massage, you can apply a warm compress. It will help relax muscles and improve blood circulation.
  • Use massage oils or cream. Apply a small amount of massage oil to the skin in the area of ​​painful muscles and massage them gently. This will help ease friction, making the experience more enjoyable.
  • Use your hands or a massage ball. Do not put too much pressure on the sore muscles; massage gently with your hands or a special massage ball. Move along the muscle, performing circular or linear movements. It’s important to let yourself relax.

If muscle pain is too severe, does not go away after a massage, or generally continues for a long time, it is recommended to consult a professional massage therapist or physiotherapist. Perhaps, in this case, this procedure alone is not enough and additional treatment methods are needed.

What is myofascial release and how is it done

Myofascial release (MFR) is a massage technique that aims to relieve tension in the muscles and fascia. Fascia is dense connective tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles, bone structures and organs in our body. It consists of collagen and elastin, which bind water molecules and thereby ensure that the layers slide relative to each other, which allows us to move more easily and efficiently.

During training or due to damage, the fascia can become tense and hard , which can cause pain, limited movement and muscle imbalance. The tension of one fascia affects the tone of others.

During MFR, these problems are solved by applying pressure to certain points of the body to restore the normal state of the fascia and muscles.

How to do it

MFR is performed both with your hands and with the help of tools:

  • rollers: from smooth soft to hard and ribbed,
  • balls: from small centimeter to large, football-sized;
  • double balls: a pair balls of different sizes connected together.

Place the ball or special roller on the floor or wall. Find an area of ​​your body where you feel tension or pain and place that area on a ball or roller. Start moving slowly, rolling over the ball or roller so that it massages and crushes the muscles and fascia. If necessary, you can adjust the pressure applied to the ball or roller.

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Manual myofascial release can be performed. Use your fingers, palms, or fingertips to apply pressure to a specific area. Place your fingers or palms on the problem area and apply pressure slowly and smoothly. Gradually increase the pressure and feel the muscles and fascia relax under your fingers.

It is important to remember that myofascial release should be comfortable and not cause severe pain. If the sensation becomes unpleasant or painful, reduce the pressure or stop performing the technique.

The frequency of performing MFR may vary depending on individual needs and your body's response.

It can be done every day if you have chronic tension in your muscles or fascia. You can include it in your daily self-massage to maintain muscle flexibility.

It can also be performed only after training. It is especially useful after intense exercise or strenuous physical activity. After exercise, muscles may be the most susceptible to tension build-up, and performing myofascial release can help restore their condition.

And of course, it should be done if you feel any pain or tension. This is an excellent remedy for relieving these symptoms. In such cases, you can only release in problem areas.

It is important to listen to your body and respond to its needs. If after myofascial release you feel relief and improvement, then you can continue to perform it with the desired frequency. If the sensations become painful or worsen, it is recommended to reduce the frequency or consult a professional massage therapist or physiotherapist.

Prevention of muscle pain

There are several rules by following which you will avoid pain after training:

  • Gradual increase in the intensity of exercise. It helps the muscles adapt and reduces the risk of pain.
  • Warm up before training. This is very important. It is necessary to properly prepare the muscles for physical activity. And after your workout, do some gentle stretching and cool down to help relax your muscles and reduce inflammation and discomfort.
  • Proper nutrition and hydration. Make sure you get enough nutrients and water to keep your muscles in good shape and help them recover regularly.
  • Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity helps your muscles. muscles get used to the load and improves their ability to adapt to training. This may reduce the likelihood of pain.