Beauty Encyclopedia

Hair growth activator

Hair growth activator

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  • Causes of slow growth and methods of control

    They are sold mainly in pharmacies, being a medicine, and come in the form of shampoo, hair mask, serum, and various vitamin complexes.

    Indications for use and contraindications

    Modern pace of life, bad habits, poor environmental situation, stress, various diseases — all these factors negatively affect the condition of the strands.

    Today on the market there are many different cosmetics that help improve condition and accelerate growth: various shampoos, masks, lotions, serums, vitamins and tablets. You can always resort to folk remedies.

    Before you start using activators, you need to consult a doctor, get tested for trace elements — mineralogram to confirm the presence of pathology and determine its cause.

    You should use the products with caution in the following cases.

    • If you have an allergic reaction to any component of the product;

      • If you have an allergic reaction to any component of the product;
      • For sensitive scalp;
      • If there is irritation, cuts, scratches on the surface of the head.

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      1. Genetic predisposition. The speed of growth, as well as their density, is a hereditary factor. Residents of Asian countries have the longest hair. Europeans usually have medium length hair. Africans have the shortest strands.
      2. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Lack of vitamins B and E, iodine, zinc and magnesium cause serious damage to the health of the scalp, which is reflected in the appearance and growth rate.
      3. Scalp diseases. Among the trichotomous diseases that slow down hair growth are seborrhea and baldness (alopecia).
      4. Chronic lack of sleep. During sleep, the human body produces the hormone melatonin, which affects the condition. If a person does not get enough sleep, the production of the hormone is reduced, the strands become dull, begin to fall out, split, and growth slows down.
      5. Taking medications. Some medications, primarily antibiotics, disrupt the functioning of the intestinal microflora, negatively affecting the immune system as a whole. As a result, toxins penetrate the hair follicles and destroy them, which leads to increased hair loss and slower growth.
      6. Hormonal imbalances. Often hormonal disorders in the human body, such as pregnancy or lactation, menopause, problems with the thyroid gland, etc. worsen the condition, they grow more slowly and fall out more.
      7. Split ends.
      8. Nervous diseases, stress.

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      How to speed up

      On average, hair grows by 1.5-2 cm per month. It is quite difficult to grow them back after having a short haircut. There are several ways to speed up hair growth:

      • Protein food. Hair is 80% keratin. Therefore, by eating protein, you can improve the condition of your hair and accelerate its growth.
      • Balanced diet/taking vitamin complexes. For normal functioning, the human body must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals every day. If you cannot diversify your diet by enriching it with nutrients, you need to take special nutritional supplements or vitamins. There are special vitamin complexes.
      • Head massage. Blood flow improves, nutrition of hair follicles improves, growth accelerates.
      • Refusal of cheap cosmetics containing dangerous carcinogenic sulfates — ALS (ammonium lauryl sulfate) and ALES (ammonium laureth sulfate), as well as silicones and acrylates, which create a film on the head that does not allow oxygen and nutrients to pass through, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the hair follicles.
      • Use shampoos with keratin that promote healing damaged strands.
      • Comb your hair. The comb should be made from natural wood, with natural bristles;
      • No hair dryer. Exposure to high temperatures harms strands.

      Composition of growth activators

      The following active components can be found in such products.

      • Organic acids (nicotinic , folic)
      • Natural oils (shea butter, coconut, burdock, etc.)
      • A whole complex of vitamins and minerals (B vitamins, vitamins A, C and E, zinc , iodine, chromium, selenium, magnesium, etc.)
      • Irritating agents (capsicum extract, menthol, etc.)

      This is the basic set of nutrients for strengthening and stimulating growth. Many manufacturers do not stop there, trying to expand the composition of activators and add additional healing components to it: collagen, elastin and various amino acids. They are the most effective.

      Pros and cons

      Everyone dreams of beautiful and healthy hair, but, unfortunately, there are many factors that prevent this. Today there are many products for scalp and hair care – with their help you can improve the condition, give a healthy shine, and accelerate growth. There are many activators that nourish the scalp, triggering natural processes in the follicles.

      Lack of quality activators — their price. But you shouldn’t save money, as cheap products can be harmful to your health. If you can’t buy an expensive one, it’s better to buy burdock oil (it also helps, although it’s not as effective).