Beauty Encyclopedia

Acupuncture massage

Acupuncture massage

In acupuncture massage, the needles are replaced by fingertips. It is made for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to relieve various pain sensations.
The points that are affected in the process are located along massage lines, the so-called meridians. They are considered centers for the concentration of vital energy qi, responsible for the functioning of the main vital organs.

History of origin

It is generally accepted that it came to us from Ancient China. However, some archaeological finds suggest that acupuncture may have deeper roots, dating back to the Neolithic.
It is based on ancient Chinese religious teachings and the philosophy of Taoism. The practice flourished at the beginning of the second century BC. and is becoming widespread not only within China, but also outside it: in Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
In Europe, it became popular in the 20th century, falling into the category of alternative treatment methods. Disputes about the effectiveness of this method have not subsided to this day. Some medical studies say that the effect is no higher than a placebo, while others say it is completely pseudoscience that does not meet the requirements of evidence-based medicine.

However, despite its controversial position in the scientific world, in 2010 acupuncture was included in the list of masterpieces oral and intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO.

Basic principles

  • An integrated approach to the treatment of diseases, selection of individual therapy for each patient
  • It does not require additional equipment or accompanying materials
  • The procedure consists of pressing on the points with your fingertips, when smooth, slow movements alternate with more intense ones
  • During the process, the patient may experience a feeling of numbness, pain, aches throughout the body
  • It is very important that the patient takes a comfortable, comfortable position
  • Usually carried out in a course of 6-10 procedures.

Acupressure techniques

It includes six basic elements.

  1. Continuous stroking
  2. Rubbing
  3. Pinching
  4. Tapping
  5. Light touches
  6. Intense pressure

All movements are performed with the pads of the fingers and the entire palm alternately, perpendicular to the surface of the skin. The movements are either rotational or vibrating, and are driven along a clock line.
Intense pressure should not last long, the pace of stroking should be even. The therapeutic effect of the massage depends on the chosen tempo and duration. either tonic or relaxing. Toning is carried out only during daylight hours, before sunset. The body must be warmed up.

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Indications for application

With the help of acupuncture massage, the following health problems can be solved.

  • Excess weight
  • Cellulite
  • Improving the appearance of the skin
  • Struggle with the first signs of aging: fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity
  • Problems with joints
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs
  • Gynecological problems
  • Problems with vision
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Stress, anxiety
  • Blood pressure disorders
  • Frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections
  • Weakened immunity

It is especially effective for headaches muscle pain, nervous tension, comprehensive health improvement of the body.


It is better to abstain from it in the following cases.

  • For nervous disorders< /li>
  • If there are tumors
  • If there are a large number of moles near acupuncture points
  • For any inflammatory processes in the body, accompanied by elevated body temperature
  • During pregnancy, lactation, and also during menstruation
  • In the presence of various wounds, scratches on the body, bone fractures< /li>
  • If you have kidney problems, urolithiasis
  • For lung diseases
  • If you have heart problems, high blood pressure
  • If you have allergies, various dermatitis

It cannot be carried out if the patient is intoxicated, on an empty stomach, on a full stomach.
There are also age restrictions: after one year and not older than 70 years.
When taking the course, you should refrain from drinking alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, as well as spicy and salty foods.

Pros and cons

Thanks to regular procedures, you can achieve the following results.

    < li>Smooth out small wrinkles
  • Restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, tighten it
  • Restore muscle tone, relieve spasms
  • Get rid of headaches and muscle pain
  • Improve microcirculation, blood circulation and lymph flow
  • Detoxify the body by launching a self-medication system
  • Restore the normal functioning of various internal organs.

However , despite all its simplicity and effectiveness, acupuncture massage — not the most pleasant procedure, especially in the first few sessions. The patient may experience unpleasant, sometimes painful sensations from time to time.