Beauty Encyclopedia

Alexandrite laser

Alexandrite laser

The Alexandrite laser is especially effective at removing dark, coarse hairs on light skin tones. With just a few procedures, you can radically solve the problem of increased body hair.

The principle of operation of the alexandrite laser

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The laser device is based on the mineral of the same name. It is with the help of artificially grown alexandrite that the laser beam is fixed. The wavelength is 755 nm. This is enough to achieve the dark pigment melanin. Therefore, it is especially effective at removing dark hair on light skin.

Under the influence of an alexandrite laser beam, the hair pigment melanin, located in the hair shaft, heats up and destroys neighboring cells of the hair growth zone – the matrix, as well as lymphatic and blood vessels responsible for feeding the hair follicle. As a result, left without nutrition, the hair root dies and falls out some time after the procedure. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to conduct several sessions at intervals of 3-5 weeks.

Indications for use

Alexandrite laser hair removal is indicated in the following cases.

    < li>With hormonal imbalances leading to an increase in the amount of hair on the body, its thickness and stiffness.
  1. With abundant hair growth caused by genetic factors.
  2. When depilation causes pain and leaves irritation.< /li>
  3. When ingrown hairs form.

The laser hair removal procedure is carried out upon reaching the age of 18. Before this age, written parental consent is required.


Laser hair removal with an alexandrite laser is not performed:

  • for disorders of the immune system;
  • for skin diseases;
  • for cancer;
  • on very light or gray hair;
  • on skin with a fresh tan;
  • with a large number of moles on the treated area of ​​skin;
  • with varicose veins dilated veins;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if there are various injuries on the body, such as burns, scratches, scars, etc.;
  • for colds in the acute stage.

Recommendations for hair removal

Before carrying out the hair removal procedure with an alexandrite laser, you need to consult a doctor or specialist. However, there are a number of general recommendations.

  • The procedure is best carried out in winter, spring or autumn.
  • A few weeks before the session, as well as a month later, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, refuse to visit the solarium, bathhouse and sauna.
  • Several months before the procedure for hair removal with an alexandrite laser, you should abandon any alternative methods of depilation and epilation; it is better to remove hair with a conventional razor.
  • In case of hormonal disorders in the body, the effect of the procedure may be less noticeable.< /li>
  • To reduce pain, laser hair removal in the intimate area is best done in the middle of the cycle.

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  • Don't miss No hair, no problems: the best types of hair removal (as well as their disadvantages)

Pros and cons of hair removal with an alexandrite laser

The advantages of hair removal with an alexandrite laser include the following.

  • Efficiency. Today, alexandrite laser hair removal is considered a fairly effective procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair, making it much thinner and significantly reducing its number. Using an alexandrite laser, you can remove hair from any part of the body.
  • Painless. The procedure is quite painless. During this procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation. In cases where the procedure causes significant discomfort, a special anesthetic gel is used.
  • Safety While destroying the hair structure, the laser does not affect the skin. The risk of burns is minimal.
  • Quick. The procedure for hair removal with an alexandrite laser takes less time and effort than other hair removal methods.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Insufficient efficiency. Laser hair removal is still inferior in efficiency to electrolysis, essentially only reducing the amount of hair, and not getting rid of it forever. To achieve the best results, not one or two sessions are required, but a whole cycle. So the hair removal process can last for six months, or even longer;
  • Inability to use on light hair.
  • Risk of complications. After the hair removal procedure with an alexandrite laser, the following complications may occur:
  • Swelling, burns.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Redness.
  • Unpleasant odor time of the session.

It is worth finding a good specialist in advance, trusting him, following all the recommendations (do not sunbathe for a month after the procedure, do not visit the sauna and pool for a week, avoid cosmetic procedures for a month etc.) and be patient. In this case, the result will meet expectations.