
Twin flame: what is it and how to recognize it

A twin flame isn't necessarily a romantic connection, but it will change your life forever, often from the very first time you meet your person. By the way, he can be of any gender and age.

Have you ever met a person who completely changed the course of your life? Perhaps it was your twin flame. You don’t know why exactly, but it seems to you that this meeting was destined. But what does the term twin flame mean? And how do you know that you have found your person?

“These high-level spiritual love or friendship connections do exist, but there is quite a serious misunderstanding of what it means. Many people believe that a twin flame connection is the same as a romantic soulmate, but they are not the same thing at all. For example, have you ever had a platonic friendship that was as intense as a love affair? Or perhaps you're starting a new job and find a mentor who seems like the parent you've been missing. It could even be a relationship between parents and children (rarely, but still). And they definitely shouldn’t be romantic,” notes esotericist Veronika Golubeva.

Twin flame: what is it and how to recognize it

Photo: Social networks

So what is a twin flame?

This relationship goes both ways: when you meet your twin flame, it will change your life, and the life of the other person, forever. According to Veronica, such relationships help us integrate the divine masculine and feminine within us (we all, regardless of gender, have masculine and feminine energies), and understand and accept ourselves, from our greatest strengths to our deepest shadow moments.< /p>

“Although these relationships are about another person, they are also meant to help us do inner work and develop a relationship with ourselves. When these energies come into union with each other, you become a higher version of your true self and realize a version of love that is different from other types of relationships, including self-love,” says Veronica.

How do you know if you have met your twin flame?

When you first meet this person, you feel a sense of déjà vu. Or you're at a party, making new friends, and the person next to you starts telling a story from your childhood that is so similar to your own experiences that it literally gives you goosebumps.

“There is a feeling of coming home and merging of energies, where you cannot determine where you begin and the other person ends. The twin flame acts as a reflection: not only your unprocessed trauma, for example, is reflected in another person, but also past lives or painful moments in the history of the family,” says the esotericist.

This is a complex relationship

Unlike life partners, whom we consider soulmates, twin flame relationships are intense and complex. They force us to deal with unresolved problems and, through trials, tribulations and breakthroughs, to become a better person. Because of this intensity, twin flames rarely become lifelong partners.

Twin flame: what is it and how to recognize it


“Rather, these are people who come into your life for a while to help you develop and guide you in the right direction. Usually such relationships fall apart because they are very difficult to maintain,” explains Veronica.

What happens if I separate from my twin flame?

You can break up, regardless of whether it was a romantic or platonic union, and it will hurt. Because a twin flame relationship is so intense, the breakup is usually just as bad. You may be going through a period of grieving, and during this time it is important to cry as much as you want and let out all the pain. You might even want to work with a therapist to help you cope. But there is also a positive aspect: even if you are hurt, everything goes according to plan. You have already received your spiritual growth and passed your karmic, so to speak, lesson. And they took it to the next level.

“I don’t think twin flames are meant to be in a lifelong relationship. They must become a catalyst. They will open up the wounds so that you can recognize them and heal. When the time comes, release them. It’s completely normal if the relationship doesn’t last forever,” says Golubeva.