
These non-trivial signs will make it clear that you have sunk into a man’s soul

This is exactly the question that women who are interested in continuing a relationship ask themselves, despite the fact that men are very stingy in showing their feelings and try in every possible way to hide them. However, they often make it clear that they have deeper feelings for you than for a friend. Psychologist Andrei Mironov told us what points in a man’s behavior are worth paying attention to.

Psychologist: “There are non-obvious signs that can give away a gentleman and reveal his true feelings.”

• He is there no matter what, he is always ready to help. Becomes somehow necessary.

• Tries to invite you to personal dates without strangers. A certain importunity appears, he writes and calls many times more than before.

• “Stupid” reasons appear to meet and chat.

• He really listens to you and is sincerely interested in what how was your day and how are you doing.

• He starts asking personal questions to get to know you better.

• He fulfills with pleasure all the crazy desires of his chosen one.

• More often catch his long gaze on you.

• Nice compliments appear, for no reason.

• The communication distance decreases sharply, he tries to be closer, sometimes he touches yours as if by accident arms or shoulders.

it's not always easy for a man to show his feelings

it's not always easy for a man to show his feelingsfreepik/

In general, men try to hide their feelings and it is quite difficult for them to open up, as our expert assures. That is why you should not react sarcastically to a man’s manifestations in your direction, since it is important to remember that it is quite difficult for him to admit his interest to a woman.