There is love, no sex: what is this new fashion in relationships?
Imagine: people sincerely love each other, care about each other, solve everyday problems together, walk in parks and theaters, but they don’t have sex. For months and even years. Voluntarily, because both or one of them does not want “all these tiresome body movements.” “Such relationships are not so rare now; psychologists have even come up with a special term – asexuality. This is a condition in which people really do not experience sexual desire and live well with it,” explains sexologist Elena Tikhonova. What to do if you are lucky enough to meet just such a person?
Asexual people do not choose to be like this
Just as you didn't choose to be born with brown, blond, or red hair, the person you like but won't sleep with you didn't choose to be asexual.
“Many people believe that asexuality is a choice, which can make it difficult for a partner to come out to them. Not only because of the fear of being judged, but also because it could potentially lead to a breakdown in the relationship. So if the person you're dating shares that they're asexual, 1) take it as a good sign and 2) know that it has nothing to do with you personally,” says Elena.
Asexuality exists on a spectrum
Asexuals are very different. Some may experience sexual desire occasionally, only want to masturbate alone or with a partner, have sex once a year with their partners, etc., while others may not. It all depends on the individual.
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