
Sex schedule: what to do if you and your partner have different temperaments

Temperament mismatches can be a real problem in long-term relationships. We talked with sexologist Viktor Sazonov, who suggested several ways to establish a harmonious intimate connection and not break the relationship.

Find a frequency that suits both

Unfortunately, you can’t do without dialogue on this issue; you will have to discuss how often sex will occur. Victor: “Agree on once or twice a week; as a rule, such a schedule suits both the partner with a high temperament and the more modest in desires. In any case, this issue needs to be discussed.” Do not try to set strict conditions – it is impossible to influence your sexual temperament.


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Joint intimate activity

The following advice is for people with a strong sex drive, for whom a partner with a moderate temperament becomes a challenge. Our expert recommends spending more time on foreplay and involving him in joint activities that only lead to sex: kissing, hugging, stroking. All this will help quench the thirst for intimacy, albeit without full-fledged intimacy, but, according to our expert, such activity helps reduce the level of aggression in a more active partner.

Sex can be different

Very often, a partner with a low temperament opposes constant classic sex, which creates a problem in the couple. However, the variety of types of sex will definitely not let either partner get bored. Victor: “Replace regular sex with penetration with other types. Although our brain does not perceive such types as full-fledged intimacy, the body reacts with exactly the same release, which means both partners will be completely satisfied.”

Sex plan

Of course, you don’t need to create a schedule for sex, but if it’s difficult for your couple to find time for intimacy because both partners are busy, plus there are differences in temperaments, it’s worth agreeing on a time in advance. Victor: “Don’t set strict limits, just unobtrusively discuss on what day you could devote full time to each other. Free up a few evenings for your loved one; nothing should distract you during this time.”