
Sex in the office: rules of the game, pros and cons

We spend most of our time at work – it's just a fact. If you get along with everyone in the office, that's great and you're sweet and sweet. But if it goes any further and you have sex with a co-worker, you're taking a big risk.

Some companies not only discourage workplace affairs, but can fire both of you if they find out you're having an affair. But the forbidden fruit becomes doubly sweet, doesn't it? So if you can't contain the spark between you and a sexy work colleague, you need to know how to balance business and pleasure.

How often do people have sex with colleagues?

Statistics are stubborn: up to 15% of people have had sex in the office with a colleague. In the closet, office, closet and even on the conference table (will you always wipe it with a damp cloth before putting down your planner now too?).

Sex in the office: rules of the game, pros and cons

Photo: Social networks

Surprisingly, many meet their true love at work. A third of office romances develop into serious relationships and marriage. While this sounds pretty cool, it's important to note that 14% of those who had sex at work were caught and faced consequences. With the unpleasant ones. Such a dilemma, yes.

Why is sex in the office so exciting?

Because it's a great fantasy. This is why so many porn films have been made around this idea. “Fantasies that are so close to reality delight people – and that’s why sex in the office is so damn exciting,” explains sexologist Olga Vasilenko. How else is he wonderful?

You can see each other every day

When you start having sex with someone, you want nothing more than to be with them every second of the day. When you work together it is very easy to do. And, most importantly, they continue to pay money for this. Well, bye.

You will get to know the person well

The foundation of any good relationship is getting to know the person. “When you work together, you see how the person handles stress, stays calm (or not at all), what they are like in good times and bad. This will help you if you ever take sex with a coworker up a notch, like into a long-term relationship,” Olga says.

You go to work with great enthusiasm

When you have sex with a coworker, going to work becomes a real holiday — because you literally fly to the office to see his shining face (okay, other, um, virtues — too).

Sex in the office: rules of the game, pros and cons

still from the film “The Graduate”

You can brag about having sex with a colleague

Colleagues talk about each other in private, let's be realistic. If you sleep with the office hottie, you get bragging rights. But you may actually turn out to be a beauty – and this, you see, is a completely different matter. “And having an affair can also cause jealousy. If you sleep with a coworker who someone else in the office has a crush on, they might find out about it and it will cause a storm of jealousy. Or, worse, you may be blackmailed,” Olga warns.

You will gain a boost of self-confidence

Anyone who has a little secret to a big sexual victory is always more confident in himself. If you've had a good roll on the office leather sofa (did we mention napkins yet?), but none of your colleagues know about it, you'll start to feel more confident. And this is very invigorating.

“By the way, this is a quality that your boss would probably like to see in you. And when everyone sees how confident you are, they will be more willing to entrust you with larger projects and, perhaps, promote you,” says Olga.

On the other hand, there are many reasons why employee relationships may not be worth the risk. These reasons should make you think twice before responding to a handsome colleague's inviting smile with a languid flutter of your eyelashes.

You could lose your job or your reputation could be tarnished

This is the worst-case scenario. Even if your boss never finds out about your shenanigans and you don't get fired, your reputation could still be completely ruined. When your coworkers find out you had sex at work, they could lose respect for you, which could have a negative impact on your work environment and your career.

Sex in the office: rules of the game, pros and cons

Photo: Social networks

The affair will end, and working further will become unbearable

“Quite a common situation: people had fun and drunkenly slept together after a corporate party , and then they can’t work together. Because it’s a shame, because others giggle in the corners, and it’s hard to just communicate with a person after something like that,” says Olga.

Spouses can find out about everything, if you have one

And, of course, if everything becomes known to everyone, information about the affair can easily reach your faithful. This means that four adults will already suffer from the situation (we will not take into account hypothetical children). Do you need it? Is the most wonderful casual sex on a printer worth the insane pain in the eyes of a long-term partner or divorce? It's up to you.