
Sex at someone else's wedding: what to do if you like a witness

Here you come to your friend’s or sister’s wedding, all beautiful and in full splendor, and there is such a luxurious (and at the same time lonely!) father of the groom that butterflies immediately begin to flutter in the right places. Or you liked the witness. Or someone else with whom you want to urgently retire for half an hour with completely understandable intentions. “You are attractive. I'm damn attractive. Why waste time?” – all according to the classics.

“Being a guest at a wedding doesn’t guarantee that men will fall for you left and right, but it’s not for nothing that sex at someone else’s wedding has become a stereotype in popular culture. Receptions are usually full of young, single people – mostly friends and friends of friends – who have romance on their minds, a dance floor nearby and plenty of secluded places nearby,” says sexologist Olga Vasilenko. Here are the rules that will help you succeed in quick flirting and not embarrass yourself in the process.

Come alone

Even if your invitation includes a “plus one” , show up without a date – this increases the likelihood that you will go home or to the nearest hotel with a new acquaintance.

Ask for help

Transparently hint or directly say that you are looking for a partner for sex or even for a long-term relationship. “Get the bride or toastmaster to point out potential life partners or, even better, to seat you next to them,” says Olga.

Sex at someone else's wedding: what to do if you like a witness

Photo: Social Media

Stay focused

Find out who is single – or at least single (you don't want to overshadow triumph with a scandal or, worse, a fight?), and focus your efforts on the one you like. A girl flirting with every guy on the dance floor is quite a sight, right?

Speaking of the dance floor, go there

“You'll have more opportunities to chat and flirt than if you were parked forever at the food table, and even if you don't meet anyone, you'll at least have fun,” Olga suggests. By the way, if it does come to sex (we all keep our fingers crossed for you), then you won’t worry that you ate like an elephant and now your belly sticks out treacherously.

Know that when to retreat

If your flirting is not reciprocated, leave the person alone. This happens, and you have nothing to do with it. Intrusiveness is even more off-putting when there are a lot of people watching you.

Be tipsy, but don't get drunk

“If drinking makes you feel relaxed, that's great, but don't prepare yourself for slurred speech, wardrobe items lost during dancing, and broken heels,” warns Olga. In addition, everyone here is old enough to know that drunken sex generally does not bring much pleasure to both parties.

Sex at someone else's wedding: what to do if you like a witness

Photo: Social networks

Confirm your single status

Before going to bed with someone, make sure that person is single or not in a long-term relationship. “This rule is very important if among your potential companions there are friends and relatives of the bride and groom. You will sleep, and then they will have problems because of your dissolute behavior. Don’t poison the lives of innocent people!” Olga insists.

Don’t show up on the second day in a dress from last night

And with a fresh one a bright and delicious hickey on the neck. Also, save the stories for later, after the wedding celebrations. Such situations cause embarrassment for most, so think in advance what you can do to save face.