
Quarrels with relatives and division of children: what else is dangerous about marriage with a foreigner

Marriage to a man from another culture always carries risks. Our expert Alena Nikolskaya, producer and director of a popular travel channel, told WomanHit about what moments can become a real problem when building a relationship with a foreign lover.

A man may not be looking for love at all

Probably one of the most unpleasant moments. Alena: “A fairly large percentage of men on foreign dating sites are looking for a foreign woman who will appear in his life as a free housewife and mistress. Among local women, especially in northern Europe, he is unlikely to find anyone willing to serve him.” A man can disguise himself very well and promise mountains of gold, but the unpleasant truth will be revealed when a woman finds herself completely dependent on his territory.

His family may not like you

This is especially true for girls who choose men of a different religion. Our expert warns that when moving to another country, you are not only accepting the local way of life, but also trying to join a specific family. Alena: “If your chosen one is a Muslim, for example, and you are a typical Westernized girl, it will be extremely difficult for you not only to find a common language with a man, but also with his family, for whom you will always be outside the system.”

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Quarrels with relatives and division of children: what else is dangerous about marriage with a foreigner


Language barrier

You may have excellent knowledge of the local language, but the depth required for intimate and deep conversations is almost impossible to achieve. If at first you do not pay attention to such little things, then over time the inability to fully communicate at the level at which you are accustomed will become one of the reasons for quarrels, which will already be enough due to the difference in mentalities. You need to be prepared for this, our expert explains.

Problems during divorce

We have all heard stories about how Russian women cannot see their children after divorce from a foreign husband. And there are more such situations than we can imagine. The country's authorities will always take the side of their citizen when it comes to who the children will stay with after a divorce. It is even worse if you did not have time to complete the documents before the birth of the child and are in the territory of your man’s country without a local passport. Can you live in constant fear that a man might take your baby away on the most legal grounds?