
It has become known why it is more difficult for men to remain faithful

According to our expert, psychologist Anatoly Kotov, every second of his clients has encountered betrayal by her man. Why is it so much more difficult for men to be faithful to their partner or spouse? The psychologist gives several of the most popular reasons, although men may not even think about them.

Personal crisis

The most common age when a man is caught being unfaithful is 40+. Anatoly: “A banal midlife crisis. Not everyone rushes to look for a new woman to confirm their status, but the percentage of cheating is quite high.” When a man meets all his basic needs, including family ones, he begins to require confirmation that he is still as good. As you know, praise and admiration from the outside is felt much brighter. Women, as our expert is sure, have much better control over their desire to receive a portion of admiration from other fans.



Confirmation status

It's no secret that a man manifests himself through social achievements. The opinions of other representatives of the stronger sex – colleagues, older relatives, friends – sometimes play a big role in making a particular decision. Anatoly: “There is nothing worse for a man if he is kicked out of the “pack”. Sometimes, to confirm success, a man goes looking for connections on the side, although he may not need them himself.” It is extremely difficult to imagine a woman in such a situation.

Discordance of sexual temperament with a regular partner

It is impossible to completely coincide with a partner sexually, you can only learn to negotiate or decide that you are not ready for a long-term relationship with a person who does not support your sexual pace. Psychologist: “A large percentage of people join families, knowing that there are problems in bed, but everyone hopes that everything will somehow work itself out. But without the work of both partners, nothing will change. Hence the quarrels, betrayals and divorces.” What’s interesting is that it is the man who is most often ready to “get” sex on the side. It is much more difficult for a woman to make up her mind, often due to the fear of exposure, which most men have no problem with.