
Counting in half and practicing language: four features of a date with a foreigner

About eight billion people live on our planet, so everyone has a chance to meet their match! But what if your potential soulmate was born in another country and speaks a language you don’t know? If on the eve of Valentine's Day you are preparing to invite or go on a date with a representative of another country, we, together with Anna Murzyukova, an English teacher for adults and children, have prepared a small guide for you on how to behave and not scare off the overseas prince.

Language and again language

First of all, it is worth resolving the issue of communication. Yes, the language of love is clear to everyone, but in order to avoid having to resort to body language and languid glances during dinner or a walk, you still have to find a common language. Anna: “Most likely, English will become that language for you and your counterpart. Before the date, repeat general phrases of greeting and polite communication (requests, suggestions, greetings, polite words, basic constructions).” If you go to a restaurant or cafe, then perhaps it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the menu on the establishment’s website in advance, clarify how unfamiliar words in the names or composition of dishes are pronounced or translated so that awkward situations do not arise during a date. “Not everyone knows that in the word “salmon” the letter “l” is not pronounced, and “aubergine” and “eggplant” mean the same eggplant,” explains our expert.

consider the peculiarities of the mentality

consider the peculiarities of the mentalityTransly Translation Agency/

We behave correctly at the table

Table etiquette is international, but do not forget about the difference in mentalities. “If your partner suddenly asks you to “go Dutch,” know that this is not an offer to go on a trip together or switch to communicating in Dutch. This expression is used when they offer to split the payment of a bill,” comments Anna. Many people believe that sign language is definitely understandable to everyone. However, you should be careful and careful here too. Often the same gestures are interpreted in radically different ways in the cultures of different countries. For example, in our country, a nod of the head means agreement, but other nationalities can read refusal or doubt here.

Do not exaggerate the importance of a date with a foreigner

Don’t be shy, says one popular song. Yes, it can be difficult to find a common language even with a compatriot, and even more so with someone who speaks a language that is not your native one. Anna: “It is important to maintain a positive attitude, despite all the difficulties and embarrassments that may happen to you on such a date.”

Show sincere interest

At a minimum, you will gain new experiences, and perhaps you will laugh at them together, telling your grandchildren about your first date. “Dating a foreigner is an adventure! You get a chance not only to get to know a person, but also the culture and language of another country. You shouldn’t give up the chance to meet your person just because you’re afraid of translation difficulties,” the teacher concludes.