
Alarm bells during sex that a man is not right for you

It seems that if a partner evokes vivid emotions even outside of bed, sex promises to be no less explosive. Psychologists are sure that you should pay attention to completely different things. We talked with psychologist Natalie Wei, who told us what “bells” during intimacy should alert you.

Ignoring your desires

One of the first warning signs – this is when your partner does not take into account your desires and preferences. Natalie: “If he insists that you are uncomfortable or in pain, this is not just indifference, but a serious red flag. Your comfort and pleasure should be important to him, and if that's not the case, perhaps you should look for someone who will at least bother to ask what you like.”

Emotional Distance< /strong>

Sex is not only a physical connection, but also an emotional one. If you feel emotionally distant, cold, or detached during intimacy, this may indicate deeper problems in the relationship. Emotional intimacy is important for a fulfilling sexual experience, and its absence may indicate incompatibility or communication problems, says our expert.

Rude and disrespect

Being rough during sex without your consent is a clear red flag. Sex should be a pleasant and mutual process. If your partner is aggressive, demeaning, or ignores your boundaries, this is unacceptable. This behavior indicates his lack of respect for you and your personality.

Lack of communication and openness

Good sex requires communication and openness. Natalie: “If your partner avoids talking about your sexual preferences, avoids discussing problems, or is not open to hearing your opinion, this could be a problem.” Openness and willingness to dialogue are key elements of a healthy sexual relationship.

Alarm bells during sex that a man is not right for you


Selfishness in bed

Selfishness in bed is another warning sign. If your partner only cares about his own pleasure, ignoring yours, it means he doesn’t care about you. If you feel like you’re just an accessory to his pleasure, maybe you should think about finding someone who understands that sex is a team game.

Guilt and Manipulation

If you feel guilty after sex or your partner tries to manipulate you through intimacy, this is a serious sign. No one should make you feel bad or use sex as a tool of control. It’s important to be with someone who values ​​and respects you as a person.

Intuition and Gut Feeling

Never ignore your intuition. If you feel something is wrong during or after sex, trust your gut feeling. Often, our body and subconscious give signals that cannot be ignored. Natalie: “If your inner self is screaming, 'Run!', maybe you should listen.”