
How to choose a snowboard for adults and children: 6 recommendations

In the article we tell you what to look for when choosing a snowboard, how to choose a model based on height and weight, and how to choose the right size for a child.

How to choose a snowboard for an adult and a child: 6 recommendations

  • How to choose a snowboard by height and weight
  • Features in choosing a snowboard for a child
  • Choosing boots
  • Choosing a riding style
  • Choosing a riding location
  • Choosing a board by riding level

To make snowboarding comfortable and bring only joy, you need to take care in advance about choosing the right board. First, boots are selected, then you can move on to choosing a board – this will make it more convenient to try on and install fastenings. They usually offer selection of sports equipment based on height, but in reality you need to take into account more nuances in the selection to make riding comfortable. It is worth considering not only height, but also weight, build, whether you already have skating skills and what track you will be skating on. For two athletes with the same height, but in different weight categories, the boards will be different. Let's take a closer look at how to choose a snowboard taking into account all the parameters.

1 How to choose a snowboard by height and weight

The easiest option is to place the board vertically next to you. It should be at the level of the lips or nose.

Snowboard selection table by height and weight

< td>Less than 154
Height in cm/Weight in kg Less than 49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-95 96 and more
146-148 147-149 150-152 153-155 154-156 157-159 158-160
155-169 147-149 149-151 151-153 154-157 155-157 158-160 159-161
170-182 149-151 150-152 153-155 155-157 158-160 159-161 162-164
183-199 150-152 151-153 154-156 157-159 158-160 161-163 162-164
200 151-153 153-155 155-157 158-160 159-161 162-164 164-166

A more complex but accurate option will require some calculations. Let's figure out how to choose the size of a snowboard, taking into account the features.

  1. Measure your height and subtract 15 cm from this figure.
  2. If you have an average build, subtract another 5 cm. For a large person add 5 cm to your physique.
  3. If you are just learning to ride, subtract an additional 8-10 cm. For those who are already more or less confident on the board, subtract 4-5 cm.
  4. For mountain skiing, you need to add 6- 9 cm, on an uncleaned track we add 3-5 cm. For skating in the park you need to subtract 3-4 cm, and if the terrain is hilly, then subtract 1-2 cm.
  5. Skiing style is also important when choosing the length of the board . For freeride you will need a wider and longer board, so you need to add 4-5 cm. For freestyle, the board will be shorter and narrower, so you need to subtract 3 cm.

In addition to height, you need to consider weight when calculating the length of a snowboard. The lower your weight, the shorter the length of the board will be. These calculations are suitable for those who already know how to ski and choose leveled slopes. Size calculations for women will differ from calculations for men, since with equal height, women, as a rule, have less body weight.

  • For womenweight in kilograms is multiplied by 0 ,4 and add 127 cm.
  • For menmultiply the weight in kilograms by 0.3 and add 136 cm.

2 Features in choosing a snowboard for a child


Children can be taught to skate from the age of 3-4 years. This is the earliest age when it is allowed to give such a sports load. For very young children, a special cable is attached to the snowboard, which is pulled by parents or an instructor. The board will glide on snow, and even on any flat surface. The child will get used to standing on the board and learn to balance. When he grows up, you can buy special boots and choose a more serious model.

As for an adult, the board size is selected based on height and weight. The main rule: the top edge of the board is between the chest and chin, approximately in the middle. If the child is thin, the height is selected based on the lower limit of the values. For plumper children, it is worth focusing on the upper value in the table. The terrain for riding also has an effect: a shorter board will be more convenient for a snowboarding area, and for a ski resort track, you can choose a longer option. Answering the question of how to choose a snowboard, it is worth noting that if the child is taller than 155 cm, he can choose equipment according to the table for adults.

Snowboard size for a child by height and weight

Age Height Weight Size
3 94 14 <80
4 94 14 <80
5 102 16 80-90
6 109 18 85-95
7 114 21 90-100
8 119 23 95-105
9 127< /td>

26 100-110
10 135 29 105-120
11 140 32 110-125< /td>
12 145 36 115-130
13 149 41 125-135
14 156 46 130-145

In addition to height and weight, you need to consider your foot size. The board should not be too narrow, otherwise the boots with fastenings may hang over the edges and this increases the risk of injury. If the board is too wide, the free edges will get in the way and catch the snow. Therefore, boots with fastenings should be the same width as the edges of the board. There are edges on both edges of the snowboard – these are metal rims that provide better glide. They need to be sharpened periodically.

Important: You should not choose a large snowboard for your child to grow into, so that it will last for several years. If the board is too big, it will be difficult to control. This increases the risk of injury, and learning to ride will be very difficult. Equipment must be properly sized.

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Rigidity and flexibility

Just like for adults, boards for children vary in hardness. For smaller riders, snowboards are made softer to make them easier to control and reduce the risk of falling or getting injured. In the future, you can choose tougher options if your child wants to learn how to perform tricks. For teenagers and children who already have riding experience, a stiffer model is suitable. It is easier to control at high speed. At low speeds or for jumping, it is better to choose a softer option. By the way, some ski slopes are equipped with a special track for children. It will be easier and safer for the child to get used to it.

3 Choosing shoes

Choosing shoes for adult

@gpointstudio < p>The main parameter in choosing boots is hardness, it can range from 1 to 10 units.

  • 1-2 units – soft board;
  • 3-5 units – medium degree of hardness;
  • 6-8 units – hard;
  • 9-10 units – very hard.

Stiffer models are more expensive because they make it easier to maintain control of the snowboard while moving. For beginners, a low stiffness level of 3-5 is suitable to get used to the equipment. The stiffest models are used for freeride on difficult slopes; they make it easier to control the board in unpredictable conditions in the cold. For parks, a softer model is better, and it is also easier to perform tricks and jumps in them. Soft options are more maneuverable, easier for beginners to walk in, and they mitigate the lack of skill.

In addition to rigidity, shoes differ in the type of lacing. The tight fit to the foot and safety on the slope depend on this. The traditional option is laces; they are usually found on soft shoes. On rigid models, it will be difficult to tighten the lacing to size. Another method is speed lacing, which uses metal cables on a reel. They are easier to fit tightly on stiff boots and can be quickly loosened if you need to rest between runs.

There should be a boot inside the shoe, which is responsible for thermoregulation and softens the ride. In more expensive models, there is a special foam inside it, which expands when heated and fills the void, taking the shape of the foot. These boots fit better on the foot and provide increased safety on the slope.

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Choosing shoes for the child

A child should not feel cold in riding boots and should be able to ride comfortably. You need to select a model according to your foot size. You should first put on the socks in which he will exercise, since the size also depends on their density. Shoes should fit snugly on your feet, not loose, but also not pinch your toes. The heel should be firmly secured to avoid possible ankle injury. You should fasten your shoes and walk indoors for 10 minutes to ensure comfort and convenience.

Tip:If it is difficult to determine the size, try removing the soft boot from the hard boot and checking where the toes end. If the boot cannot be removed, you can measure it by the insole – it should be 1-1.5 cm longer than the foot. There are shoe models with removable insoles that allow you to adjust the size. By removing the small insole, you can increase your shoe size by one size. This is a convenient option so as not to change boots too often.

It is important to use special protection for riding. It includes knee pads, elbow pads, special shorts or trousers with tailbone protection, a mask and a helmet. For children, it is important to choose the correct size of helmet so that it does not loosen and fits tightly, otherwise it will not be able to protect the spine from injury. Clothing should also be suitable for sports in the cold season, so as not to get sick.

4 Choosing a riding style

@chandlerovid85 < p>First, let's look at the directions of skiing and types of trails, since the choice of board will depend on this. Previously, professional snowboarders had to compete in all types of competitions and use several different boards to do this, but now many prefer to train in one chosen direction. There are three main types – freestyle, freeride and carving.

Freeride– this is skiing on natural terrain that is not prepared or cleared specifically for snowboarders. Such places are characterized by a deep layer of snow; there may be hummocks and obstacles hidden under the snow. The board for this route will be longer and stiffer than for other routes. It must be strong and stable enough to cope with any obstacles along the way. This type of skating is associated with high risks, so you need to be very careful in choosing the place, skating speed and trajectory.

Freestyle– skating using natural or artificial ramps, springboards and obstacles. This type of skating involves mastering a variety of tricks and jumps, so the boots and board should be lighter and more flexible. This style of skating came out of skateboarding and is similar in the technique of performing tricks. Many ski resorts have special areas for training and performing in this style. Before riding, it is advisable to do some stretching to make your body more flexible.

Carving– skating in which maximum speed develops, and the difficulty is to avoid obstacles on the way and fit into turns. There are no difficult tricks or jumps in this direction, but you need to fit into the gates and avoid the markers along the way. When answering the question of how to choose the length of a snowboard for carving, you can choose a more elongated model. For those who have already confidently mastered this direction, the board can be stiffer, longer and narrower in order to easily go through all the bends at high speed. The boots also fit with firmer support, more like ski boots. For beginners, it is better to choose a softer board so that uneven terrain does not lead to a breakdown and injury. To begin with, it is better to ride at low speed, honing your movements.

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5 Choosing a place to ski< /h2>


Such places are prepared and cleared for skiing in advance, although the slopes may differ in density: in some places the track becomes tougher due to the fact that it has already been skied a lot, and in others there may be islands of plump snow between the cleared areas. The board should compensate for these transitions so that you can easily go through all the bumps and you don’t lose motivation to practice. For this, a universal model is better suited, which is a little stiffer and longer than the option for beginners. It is distinguished by folds shifted towards the tail and a softer nose, so it is more convenient to ride it in only one direction.


@freepic. dealer

Skating on unprepared slopes is technically more difficult and requires special preparation so as not to harm yourself, so it is better to move on to it when you are already confident on the board. Such areas are distinguished by a varied landscape; in some places there may be plump, loose snow, and in others there may be boulders and stones. For riding on unrolled snow, wider boards with an increased length are suitable so as not to dig into a snowdrift, but to easily float out of the snow. The nose of the board can be wider and the tail narrower to help with turns.


It is shorter than the track, since people here do not ride long distances, but hone their skills in performing figures. A shorter, softer snowboard is suitable for pipe riding. It is more maneuverable and will soften the landing after a jump. This model is more symmetrical; you can ride it in any direction, both forward and backward. Another type of board is called a twintip – it is symmetrical, but the rigidity of its nose and tail is different, which allows it to be used both in the park and on the track.

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6 Select a board according to your skiing level


At the initial stage, you need to get comfortable with the basic skating technique and accumulate skill. The board should be chosen in such a way that it is convenient and helps in learning, and is not an additional obstacle. All you have to do is choose a snowboard based on your height and weight. For parks and performing tricks, a softer model is suitable, since it will be easier to perform jumps on it. For the track it is better to choose a tougher option. To understand which board is in front of you, try to bend it slightly: the soft one will bend easily, but the hard one will practically not change its shape.



If this is not the first time you get on a snowboard and more or less If you know how to ski, it’s time to choose which slopes and in what style you will ski in the future. If you can’t live without sports and want to choose several directions, you will need a separate board for each of them. A complete set can consist of three boards: a shorter soft board for parks, a stiffer and longer model for the track and a special version for freeride. If you don’t want to choose a direction yet, you can use the universal option.