
30 Stretching Exercises for Beginners

Stretching helps improve flexibility and restore mobility, get rid of back and muscle pain. As a bonus, your mood will improve and stiffness in your body will go away, so start right now.

30 stretching exercises for beginners

Stretching is necessary not only for athletes to adapt their muscles to high loads after training, but also for any fitness or dancing classes. Stretching is especially useful for those who do not exercise regularly, since with a sedentary lifestyle the body loses mobility over time.

Regular stretching will help:

  • Develop flexibility at any age.
  • Restore elasticity to muscles and ligaments, improve joint mobility.
  • Straighten posture and forget about back pain, to prevent osteochondrosis.< /li>
  • Eliminate muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • Reduce the risk of injury during sports and in everyday life.
  • To prevent muscle shortening.


Although almost any person without special training can cope with such a set of exercises, since there is no high load on the cardiovascular system, stretching still has its limitations.

It is not recommended to perform general exercises after a spinal injury, during recovery after surgery, cancer, heart and vascular diseases, elevated body temperature and joint diseases. If you have restrictions or illnesses, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting classes.

Basic rules for stretching

Classes should begin with minimal load and gradually increase complexity. You should not feel uncomfortable or painful when stretching, otherwise you risk injury or pulled muscles. You should not expect quick results; it is better to be patient and move forward systematically.

You need to exercise regularly. It's better to do a few exercises and spend as much time on them as you can, than to skip a week of classes and start over. Ideally, you should exercise for 30 minutes every day.

Before you start stretching, you need to warm up your muscles. Do a short warm-up for five minutes: swing your arms, twist your elbows, actively walk or jump in one place. It is better to start with exercises for neck flexibility and gradually move down to the shoulders, back and lower back.

The duration of the exercises increases gradually:

  • 15 seconds in one position for the right side and the same for the left. The duration of the set of exercises is about eight minutes.
  • 20 seconds in one pose for the right side and for the left. The duration of the entire set of exercises is up to ten minutes.
  • 30 seconds in one position for the right side and the same for the left. Lesson duration is about 15 minutes.

1 Head tilts back and side

It is especially useful to perform them with a sedentary lifestyle to prevent cervical osteochondrosis.

  • Tilt your head back and stretch the back of your head to your back.
  • Smoothly, effortlessly move your head to your left shoulder.< /li>
  • Place the palm of your left hand on your head, but do not press too hard.
  • Return to the original position and repeat for the right side.

2 Head tilts forward and sideways

They will help relieve pain in the cervical spine, stretch the neck muscles and improve mobility.

  • Lower your head forward and stretch your chin to your chest.
  • Slowly move your head to your left shoulder.
  • Slowly move your head to your left shoulder.
  • Slowly move your head to your left shoulder.
  • Slowly move your head to your left shoulder.
  • li>

  • Use the palm of your left hand to slightly increase the pressure on your head.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Don't miss
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3Circular rotations of the head

Connect the sternoclavicular muscles, give an even load on all the muscles of the neck, make the neck more flexible.

  • Lower your head down, stretching your chin to your chest.

    • Lower your head down, stretching your chin to your chest.
    • From this position, smoothly move your head towards your right shoulder.
    • Continue the circular movement back to your back and to your left shoulder.
    • Return to the starting position forward.
    • Make five circles clockwise.
    • Repeat five times counterclockwise.

    4 Warming up the shoulders

    Before moving on to shoulder stretching exercises, you need to warm up the muscles a little and prepare them . This will help avoid sprains or injuries.

    • You can extend your arms along your body or place them on your waist.
    • Perform circular rotations with your shoulders forward.
    • Do ten repetitions .
    • Perform circular movements with your shoulders back.
    • Repeat ten times.

    5 Arm lock stretching

    Helps correct posture and correct the line of the spine, relaxes the body after tension. All muscles work along the spine, arms, abdomen and legs.

    • Place your fingers together with your palms facing away from you.
    • Smoothly raise your arms up above your head.
    • < li>Stretch your body with your hands.

    • The back should remain straight, it is allowed to bend slightly back.
    • The legs remain straight, the heels do not rise from the floor.

    6 Triceps stretch

    Improves the flexibility and mobility of the arm joints, relieves fatigue and tension in the shoulders. It will help stretch the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back. Recommended for all beginners.

    • Raise your left hand and place your palm between your shoulder blades.
    • Place your right hand on your left elbow.
    • Smoothly pull your right hand towards you left elbow.
    • Lower your arms down to release tension.
    • Repeat for the other hand.

    7 Stretching the front of the shoulders

    Helps stretch the biceps, deltoids, chest and back. Returns mobility to the joints of the hands.

    • Place your hands behind your back, with one hand clasping your wrist with the other.
    • Pull your shoulders back and your chest forward.
    • You should feel the front of your shoulder stretch.

    8 Biceps stretch

    Restores the flexibility of the shoulder and shoulder blades.

    • Grasp the elbow of your left hand with your right hand.
    • Press your shoulder to your body and gently pull down.
    • Repeat for the other hand .

    9 Stretching the back of the shoulders

    Warms up the shoulder girdle, makes joints are more mobile. Pulls the deltoids and triceps.

    • With your right hand, clasp your left hand in the forearm below the elbow.
    • Press your left hand to your body and straighten it.
    • Raise your arms higher and feel the tension in your shoulders.
    • Repeat for the other hand.

    10 Stretching your arms forward

    Helps relieve fatigue from the muscles, good for posture and flexibility of the body. The muscles of the back and neck and the shoulder body are stretched.

    • Place your fingers together, with your palms facing away from you.
    • Tilt your head forward a little and round your upper back.
    • < li>Stretch your arms forward, your back remains in place.

    • Try to stretch forward further, increasing the stretch of your back.

    11 Raising your arms

    This exercise is useful for removing tightness in the chest and straightening your posture.

    • Spread your arms out to the sides at chest level.
    • Elbows should be straight, palms facing forward .
    • Stretch your arms back to open your chest and straighten your shoulders. Don't miss
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    12< /span> Bending with a straight arm

    It will help to gently stretch the spine and joints along the body. Trains all the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and back.

    • Lean to the right so that the body is in one straight line without distorting forward or backward.
    • Rest your right arm along the body on the thigh.
    • Extend your left arm up above your head and stretch in the same direction.
    • Repeat for the second side.

    13 Bends to the leg

    Helps improve elasticity of the muscles of the lower body. Stretch the muscles of the thigh, buttocks and hamstrings.

    • Put your left leg forward, straighten it and lean only on the heel.
    • Bend your right leg slightly at the knee. Your thighs should be in line.
    • Lean forward towards your leg with your back straight.
    • Rest your hands on the thigh of your left leg.
    • Gradually try to lean lower forward.
    • Repeat for the other leg.

    14 Lunge

    Helps stretch the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and maintains muscle tone.

    • Put your right leg forward and bend your knee at a right angle. li>
    • The left leg goes back, resting on the toe.
    • Place your hands on the knee of the front leg for balance.
    • The back should be straight, without tilting.
    • Repeat on the other side.

    15 Side lunge

    A useful exercise that will help stretch the inner thigh and gluteal muscles.

    • Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle and lean on it.
    • Put your left leg to the side. The feet should be on the same line, the left leg straight.
    • The body is straight, slightly tilted forward.
    • You can rest your hands on your thighs to maintain balance.
    • Feel how the inner thigh stretches.
    • Repeat for the other leg.

    16 Forward Bends to the Wall

    Develops joint flexibility and helps align the spine. Suitable for beginners, as it does not require special training. All muscles of the body and the back of the leg are involved.

    • Place your feet at shoulder level.
    • Lean forward with your back straight against the wall and lean on your palms.
    • You should be able to stand comfortably so as not to stretch too far.
    • Your back remains straight.
    • Gradually try increase forward bend.

    17 Forward bends

    Helps stretch the entire back part of the body. Works the hamstrings, calves, hamstrings, and back muscles. Useful for both beginners and advanced.

    • Place your feet at shoulder level.
    • Place your hands with your forearms.
    • Bend forward so that you feel comfortable, without putting unnecessary pressure on your back and legs.
    • You can round your back a little.
    • Knees remain straight.

    < h2 class="number-title">18 Quadriceps stretching

    Improves the elasticity of ligaments and muscle flexibility, strengthens joints. Helps stretch your hips.

    • Stand up straight with your back straight.
    • Bend your right leg back.
    • With your right hand, grab the ankle of your right leg and pull it towards you from behind.
    • Try to reach your buttocks with your heel.
    • You can place your left hand on your belt for balance.
    • Repeat for the other side.

    19 Downward dog pose

    Helps straighten the spine , straighten the thoracic region, relieves tension in the neck and back. The back of the body and arms are stretched.

    • On the mat, stand in a plank position with your arms straight and your back straight.
    • Smoothly lift your pelvis up, forming a triangle.
    • The back remains in a straight line with the head, the knees do not bend too much.
    • Rest on your palms and toes.
    • When stretching improves, you can try the exercise with your heels on the floor and your knees fully straightened.

    20 Pose dogs up

    Useful for straightening the spine, stretches the back muscles and eliminates slouching.

    • Lie on the mat with your stomach down.
    • Place your hands at shoulder level.
    • Rise up so that your legs remain pressed to the floor.
    • Lower your shoulders down and bend your chest.

    21 Cat pose

    Helps stretch the back and increase the flexibility of the vertebrae.

    • Get on all fours on the mat.
    • Round your back as much as you can. Lower your head down.
    • Bend in the opposite direction, trying to bring your shoulder blades together.
    • Repeat ten times.

    22 Pigeon pose

    Stretches the front and back of the thighs.

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  • Sit on the mat.
  • Bend your right leg at an angle of 90 degrees and place it in front.
  • Place your left leg behind your back and straighten it.
  • For to increase the stretch, lean forward with a straight back and place your hands forward in front of your leg.
  • Repeat on the other side.

24Child's Pose

The exercise is aimed at relaxing the back muscles, especially with high loads on the spine during the day.

  • Sit on your knees on the mat.
  • Do lean forward, aiming your stomach towards your knees.
  • Straighten your arms and stretch them forward, placing your palms on the mat.
  • Reach forward towards your hands, relaxing your back.

25 Lying crunch

Improves the flexibility of the spine, stretches the abdominal and lumbar muscles.

  • Lie on the mat on your back.
  • Spread your arms to the sides at chest level, palms facing down.
  • Bend your left leg at the knee.
  • Turn your pelvis to the right with your left leg bent.
  • Turn your head to the left.
  • Relax in this position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

26 Lying stretch

Helps stretch the muscles of the hips and lumbar spine.

  • Lie on the mat on your back.
  • Raise both legs, bending them at the knees.
  • Put your left ankle on the knee of your right leg.
  • Pull your right knee towards you, increasing the stretch.
  • Repeat for the other leg.

27 Seated stretch

Sit on the mat with your legs stretched forward.

  • Back straight.
  • Bend your left leg at the knee.
  • Grasp your shin hands and pull it towards the chest.
  • The position of the shin should be parallel to the mat.
  • Forearms tense and pull the leg towards the chest.
  • Repeat on the right side. Don't Miss
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28 Lying quadriceps stretch

Improves stretching of the leg and spine muscles.

  • Lie down on the mat with your stomach down.
  • Raise your right leg and clasp it with your hands.
  • Pull your leg closer to your buttock without lifting your hip.
  • Repeat for the left leg.

29 Hip stretch

Helps stretch the muscles that are responsible for hip flexion.

  • On the mat, kneel on your right leg.
  • Left move your leg back at a right angle.
  • The back remains straight.
  • You can place your hands on your belt or put them behind your back.
  • Tighten your muscles and slightly move your pelvis forward.
  • You should feel a stretch in the muscles of the groin and the back of your leg.
  • Repeat on the other side.

30 Deep lunge

Stretches the thigh muscles.

  • On the mat, lunge forward with your right foot.
  • The left leg is pulled back and straightened.
  • Hands stand on either side of the foot.
  • The body remains in a straight line.
  • Try to lower yourself deeper in this position.< /li>
  • Repeat for the second leg.