
15 exercises for breasts: tighten, enlarge and make them more elastic

You can give your breasts a beautiful shape without plastic surgery. We'll tell you what exercises will help you make your bust toned.

15 exercises for the chest: tighten, enlarge and make it more elastic

< p>It is possible to improve the shape of your breasts without plastic surgery if you exercise regularly. You won't be able to change your breast size through training, but you can give it a more toned and firm appearance and improve its shape. A strong muscle frame will lift the bust, and it will look taller and more voluminous. In addition, the exercises are aimed at developing beautiful posture, which is also important in order to visually lift the chest.

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Breast anatomy

Adipose tissue. Breast size is determined not by the degree of muscle training, but by size fat layer. The higher the percentage of fat in the body, the larger the breast size will be. Therefore, when losing weight, many women are faced with the fact that the bust is one of the first to decrease in size.

The mammary glands and their ducts.They are responsible for milk production during breastfeeding. Milk flows through the ducts to the nipple. They can make breasts look fuller when they contain milk. Thanks to this, breastfeeding women can increase in size during lactation. The rest of the time they do not affect the size and do not change when playing sports.

Cooper's ligaments.They are connective tissue that gives the shape of the bust. In youth, the ligaments support the breasts better, so they are taller. With age, they stretch and the breasts sag due to insufficient tone.

Pectoral muscles. They are designed in women the same way as in men, they help flex the shoulders and rotate it. They increase in volume during training, due to which they can lift the chest.

What muscles need to be trained

The pectoral muscles are among the largest in the human body. They are located on the outer part of the thoracic region and have a fan-shaped structure. They are distinguished by endurance and have a predisposition to increase mass under intense loads. Therefore, by performing a special set of exercises, you can develop and pump up these muscles during home workouts. In this case, it is important that the load falls on different parts of the muscles in order to train them evenly.

Muscle fibers are divided into superficial, which can be trained, and deep, which are the muscles of the chest.

Superficial muscles are subdivided:

  • Pectoralis major– the most powerful of the muscles, occupies 90 percent of the chest area. It is located in the front and ends at the armpits. It is involved in lowering the arms down toward the body and bringing the shoulder forward. Since it is a bulky muscle and it grows easily, it needs to be trained to increase the volume of the chest and strengthen the muscle frame.
  • Pectoralis minor– is located under the big one, and goes from the ribs in the chest back to the shoulder blades. Has the shape of a triangle. Responsible for the mobility of the shoulder blades and their movement back and forth. You need to train this muscle to eliminate slouching and expand the chest.
  • Serratus anterior – located on the side of the chest, runs from the ribs to the shoulder blades. Helps to expand the scapula and raise the arms up.
  • Subclavian – is located in the area of ​​​​the collarbone and pulls it down.

Deep muscles are divided :

  • Intercostal internal and external – attached to different places of the ribs, help inhale and exhale.
  • Subcostal – attached to the lower part of the ribs, they are more sparse and uneven.
  • Diaphragm – necessary for the respiratory process. This is a movable partition that is located in the center of the chest. Don't miss
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< h2>How to exercise correctly

To get beautiful and toned breasts, you need to train the pectoralis major muscles, the deltoids that support the shoulders, and the upper back. Classes should be aimed not only at increasing muscle mass in the chest, but also at developing an even posture and correct shoulder position. Therefore, when performing exercises, it is important to ensure a straight back and correct body position.

The load should be increased gradually. If you are just starting to exercise, you should not perform a large number of repetitions at once or try to do all the exercises at once. It will be better for your muscles if you systematically increase the number of approaches so that they have time to get used to it. If you overdo it, you won't get results faster, but you risk getting injured or sprained. Remember that the shoulder joint is not very stable, it is supported by ligaments, tendons and muscles, so it is easy to damage or dislocate. Therefore, start with a minimal load, and do not take a lot of weight when exercising with weights.

You need to exercise regularly, at least three times a week or more often, to see results. It is also important to monitor your diet, eat enough protein foods before and after training so that your muscles receive the necessary nutrients.

1 Dynamic version of the plank

Any version of the plank exercise is useful for strengthening the muscles of the thoracic region and creating an even posture, but in dynamics the exercise will be more effective.

  • On the fitness mat, rest your palms at shoulder level, and place your toes hip-width apart.
  • Make sure that your body is in an even line from the top of your head to your heels.
  • Tighten the muscles of your thighs and buttocks , and keep your body level. Lower yourself onto one elbow, then onto the second.
  • Now raise the first elbow and rest on your palm again, then raise the second elbow.
  • Alternate lowering on your elbows with lifting on your palms.
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  • Repeat for a minute.

2 Chest contractions

This is a simple exercise that will help tighten the pectoral muscles. To perform it, you can use a regular towel or fitness tape.

  • Stand up straight, place your feet at shoulder level. Stretch your arms forward in front of you, take a towel or fitness tape.
  • Stretch your arms in opposite directions at the same time, making short jerks with short pauses.
  • Pull the band as tight as possible and continue to pull in short bursts for about two minutes.

3 Pull-ups on the horizontal bar< /h2>

It is advisable to include them in your training program, since in addition to pumping up the pectoral muscles, pull-ups train the back muscles and straighten your posture. This will help strengthen the muscle frame faster.

  • If you haven’t done pull-ups before, start by simply hanging on the horizontal bar.
  • Hang for 10 seconds, then take a break and repeat five times .
  • When the muscles become stronger, gradually increase to 60 seconds.
  • If you can already pull yourself up, grab the bar with your palms facing away from you, hands wider than your shoulders.
  • Take a breath and lift your body.
  • As you exhale, lower yourself to the original position.
  • You need to perform the task very smoothly, without making sudden movements.
  • Start with ten repetitions and two approaches, gradually increasing the number of approaches.
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4 Push-ups

A simple and effective exercise that will help pump up the muscles of the chest, back and arms. To begin with, 15 repetitions of three sets will be enough. When your arms become stronger, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions.

  • Starting position – lying on the mat, arms bent at shoulder level, resting your palms on the mat.
  • Raise your torso with your hands, maintaining a straight posture and keeping your knees straight. Lean on the balls of your feet. If you are just starting out, try the kneeling version.
  • Straighten your arms completely and return to the starting position, touching your chest to the mat. Make sure your body remains in a straight line.

5 Advanced Push-Ups

  • Start in a lying position, leaning on your hands, resting on your knees.
  • Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Straighten and lift one leg.
  • Low down, bending your elbows to ninety degrees.
  • Take the original position.
  • Repeat the same thing, changing your leg.
  • Do it ten times, alternating legs.

6 Lying fly with weights

You can use water bottles or dumbbells for this task. Using weights is beneficial because it builds muscle mass faster than lifting your own weight. Choose the right weight: it should not be difficult for you to lift dumbbells. For beginners, it is better to use a light weight of 1-2 kg. When the muscles get used to the load, you can not change the weight, but simply increase the number of repetitions.

  • Lie down on a mat or bench on your back.
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells up in front of you . You can bend your elbows slightly.
  • Spread the dumbbells to the sides, almost touching the floor.
  • Tensing your muscles, bring your arms up to their original position.
  • Repeat three sets of ten times.

7 Bench press with dumbbells

  • Lie on a mat or bench with your back straight.
  • Raise your arms with the dumbbells up in front of you, placing them shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your arms at the elbow and lower them so that the elbow and shoulders are in line, and the hands remain raised. A right angle is formed between the shoulders and forearms.
  • Tensing the muscles, return to the original position.
  • Perform two or three sets of ten repetitions.

8 Pullover

This exercise should be done very carefully so as not to overdo it and not stretch the muscles.

  • Lie down on the mat, slightly bending your knees.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms with weights up and slowly move them back behind your head.
  • As you exhale, smoothly raise your arms and bring them to your chest.
  • Repeat the exercise without touching the floor with your hands.
  • Do fifteen times. Don't skip
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9 Dumbbell lifts

  • Lie down on the mat and stretch out on it.
  • Take the dumbbells.
  • Raise one arm and put it behind your head, and leave the other along your body.
  • At the same time, change your hands, returning the first arm to its original position along the body, and put the second one behind your head.
  • Do twenty times.

10 Reverse press with weights

This exercise helps train the upper thoracic region and anterior deltoids.< /p>

  • Stand up straight, feet together, knees slightly bent, back straight.
  • Hold dumbbells in your hands, hands palms up.
  • Press your elbows to sides, forearm at a right angle looking forward.
  • Push your arms forward until fully straightened.
  • Go back.
  • Repeat ten times. Don't miss
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11 Cross arm swings with dumbbells

Gives stress to the deltoids, biceps and serratus muscles.

  • Stand up straight, knees slightly bent, back straight.
  • Stretch your arms with dumbbells down along your body.
  • Raise your left hand to your right shoulder.
  • Repeat the exercise for your left hand ten times in a row.
  • Do the exercise for your right hand ten times as well.
  • Repeat two sets.

12 Elbow reduction

  • The exercise is performed on the mat, stand on your knees and spread them a little. Your back is straight.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Bring your elbows forward, touching each other.
  • Spread your elbows back to the sides.
  • Tighten your muscles with each movement and stretch your muscles a little.
  • Do two sets of twenty repetitions.

13 Swing your arms in front of you

  • Starting position, kneeling on the mat with your back straight.
  • Raise your arms at the same level as your chest, elbows straight.
  • Perform swings in front of you, crossing your arms and spreading them apart.
  • Quickly repeat the exercise, alternating which hand is on top when crossing.
  • It must be performed at a fast pace.
  • Do a couple of sets of thirty times.

14< /span> Ball Squeeze

This exercise can be performed with a tennis ball or any other small ball. It helps to train the chest muscles well.

  • Stand up straight. Take the ball with both hands and squeeze it between your palms at the level of the solar plexus.
  • Alternate squeezing the ball and relaxing the muscles.
  • Do three sets of fifteen times.

15 Stretching

At the end of the workout, it is recommended to do some stretching, this is useful for muscle recovery and reducing swelling.< /p>

  • Turn to face the wall and place the palm of one hand on the wall in front of you at shoulder level.
  • Turn around slowly, turning your body by hand to a comfortable tension.
  • Repeat the task for the second hand.
  • Perform two or three times for each hand for 30 seconds.