
11 exercises to strengthen arm muscles

Making your hands beautiful and toned at home is quite possible. Here are the best exercises to maintain tone.

11 exercises to strengthen the arm muscles

Which muscles need to be trained
Rules for doing the exercises
Exercises to tighten the muscles with dumbbells

Women often do not pay enough attention to working out their arm muscles because they are afraid that if they work on their biceps, they will become too prominent. In fact, there are many exercises for women that will help tighten their skin and make their figure more beautiful without leaving home. This is especially true if you have lost weight dramatically or if your muscles have lost tone as you age.

Many sports activities require strong biceps and triceps to cope with the load. For example, tennis, swimming, some types of sports dancing and boxing will help improve your arms.

These effective exercises do not require long workouts or gym sessions. You can do them at home. In order to work out all the muscles, five minutes will be enough.

What muscles need to be trained

  • Biceps – responsible for the bends of the shoulder, helps to bend forearm and makes it mobile. The shape is a biceps muscle.
  • Triceps – is involved in the extension of the forearms and shoulders, helps in adducting the shoulders. Shaped like a triceps muscle.
  • Brachioradialis – responsible for flexion and rotation of the forearm.
  • Musclesthat help flex and extend the wrists.

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  • Rules for doing exercises

    1. It is important to perform tasks for each muscle group, and not just the biceps.
    2. Before training, do a warm-up to warm up your muscles. To do this, you can perform circular rotations with your arms, as when swimming.
    3. Doing arm exercises two to three times a week is enough.
    4. Before the next workout there should be a break of 48 hours. This is necessary for muscle relaxation and recovery.
    5. For one workout, it is enough to choose from three to six exercises. Change the options for performing tasks so that the muscles are trained more diversely and all groups are pumped up.

    Exercises for tightening muscles with dumbbells

    These exercises will help you tone your arms and strengthen your biceps. Choose 400 gram dumbbells, or replace them with small bottles of water.

    1. Speed ​​boxing with weights

    • Take small dumbbells.
    • Stand up straight and put your left leg forward.
    • The other leg is behind your back.
    • Raise both hands closer to your chin and clasp them at the elbows.
    • Lunge forward with your left arm, shifting your body weight behind your hand.
    • Repeat the same lunge for the second hand.
    • Repeat three sets of ten times for each hand.

    2. Lying exercise with weights

    • Take a dumbbell in both hands.
    • Lie down on the mat and place your feet on it.
    • Stretch your arms with weights above head vertically up.
    • Slowly bend your arms and lower them to your ears.
    • Raise the dumbbells up again to the first position.
    • Perform three sets of ten times.< /li>

    3. Seated arm raises

    • Sit on a chair or bench and take a weight in your right hand.
    • Bend down and press your shoulder to the inside of your thigh.
    • Bend your elbow and lift the weight.
    • < li>Lower your hand to the original position.

    • The actions should be smooth, try to bend and straighten your hand to the end.
    • Do it ten times.
    • Repeat the same thing for the second hand.
    • Do three approaches.

    4. Standing arm raises

    • Stand straight on the mat.
    • Take a dumbbell in both hands.
    • Arms should be lowered along the body.
    • Smoothly raise both arms up. Try to touch your shoulders with your hands.
    • Smoothly lower the weights to their original position.
    • Make sure that only your hands work, the torso should not bend or sway.
    • Perform three sets of ten repetitions.

    5. Raises of arms to the waist

    • Stand on the mat with dumbbells in your hands.
    • Stand straight and slightly lean forward with a straight back.
    • Bend your arms with weights and pull them towards your abs.
    • Your elbows should go back behind your back.
    • Slowly lower your arms to the original position.
    • Do three sets of ten times.


    These are the most effective exercises for strengthening the arm muscles. During push-ups, not only the triceps and biceps are trained, but also the chest and back muscles, helping to form beautiful posture.

    6. Push-ups while sitting on the floor

    • While sitting on the floor, you need to bend your knees.
    • Put your bent arms behind your back and lean on your elbows.
    • Using your outstretched arms, gently lift your pelvis.
    • Hold in this position for a few seconds.
    • Slowly lower your pelvis back to the mat.
    • Perform three sets of ten repetitions.

    7. Push-ups on all fours

    • On the mat, get on all fours.
    • Lean on straight arms placed at shoulder level.
    • Perform push-ups from this position.
    • Repeat three sets of ten times.

    8. Push-ups from the wall

    • Stand near the wall and lean on it with straight arms.
    • Push up from the wall in the same way as you would push up from the floor.
    • Trace ensure that the abdominal and buttock muscles are tense.
    • Do three sets of ten repetitions.


    For these exercises you will need small dumbbells or other weights. If you don't have sports equipment, you can use 0.5 liter water bottles. The weight should not be heavy for you.

    9. Swing your arms up

    • Take the dumbbells and raise both arms above your head.
    • Do an arm curl towards your back so that you can reach the dumbbells to your shoulder blades.
    • Return to the starting position up.
    • Repeat three sets of ten times.

    10. Circular swings with dumbbells

    • Take the weights and extend them in front of you.
    • Arms should be fully straightened, parallel to the mat.
    • Do ten rotations with your hands each to a friend.
    • Perform ten rotations with your hands outward.
    • Do three such approaches.

    11. Swing forward

    • Hold dumbbells in your hands, lower your arms down along your body.
    • Slowly raise your straightened arms so that they are in front of you and parallel to the mat.
    • < li>Hold in this position for five seconds.

    • Lower your arms down.
    • Do three sets of 10 repetitions.