
Separate meals: product compatibility and sample menu

We tell you everything you need to know about separate meals and create a menu taking into account the compatibility table.

Separate meals: compatibility of products and sample menu

Benefits of separate meals
Basic rules
Recommendations on how to follow separate meals
Menu by day of the week

The theory of separate nutrition appeared back in 1928. American naturopath Herbert Shelton structured a nutritional system that makes foods better absorbed by the body, normalizes intestinal function and reduces excess weight. His theory was supported by nutritionists, and by now this diet has become a popular version of the Hollywood diet.

The essence of the diet is that to assimilate different groups of foods, the body produces different types of enzymes. Simple food without processing or complex combinations is more efficiently digested. In addition, foods are digested at different speeds and differ in acidity and alkaline composition. It is easier for the body to digest food when it digests foods from one group at the same time. In addition, following a diet helps you control how much you eat, not overeat and monitor the number of calories.

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Modern nutritionists do not recommend sticking to a separate diet system for a long time, since with any diet the body may not receive enough nutrients and microelements. In addition, our digestive system is designed in such a way that it can produce all the necessary enzymes to digest several groups of foods at once. For a healthy person, there is no need to constantly adhere to a diet, but it can be useful for weight loss and for people with enzyme deficiency.

This approach to nutrition has its advantages: when sticking to a diet, it is easier to monitor meal times, calorie content, and eat only healthy foods that are easily absorbed by the body. The diet has a varied composition and allows you to select foods so that you receive a sufficient amount of nutrients during the week.

The benefits of separate meals

When eating separately, the amount of toxins that are formed as a result of improper digestion of food is reduced, as a result of which the body has to spend less energy on eliminating toxins. A large amount of carbohydrates and coarse fiber helps cleanse the intestinal walls of undigested food and toxins.

The diet helps to improve well-being, increases the amount of energy, and lightness appears, since it does not contain heavy food that takes a long time to digest and causes fatigue. Due to the fact that food is well digested, bad breath, which is a symptom of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, disappears.

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Since the menu contains a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, the functioning of the digestive system is improved, dysbiosis and constipation are eliminated. Metabolic processes improve, metabolism accelerates, which leads to the burning of excess fat. The diet helps track caloric intake of foods and is effective in reducing excess weight for women.

The load on the heart and blood vessels is reduced, since the diet does not contain fatty foods with a high percentage of cholesterol. Dietary nutrition normalizes the functioning of the entire body and has a beneficial effect on almost all organs.


Since separate nutrition is a strict diet, it has its limitations.

It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet if you have chronic diseases.

The diet may not be suitable for diabetics because it limits fat and protein intake. They are necessary to normalize blood sugar levels.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor.

With an incorrect diet, there may be a lack of calories, which can lead to weakness and lethargy.

Since the menu is dietary and there are long intervals between meals, hunger may appear shortly after eating. In this case, you can increase the amount of complex carbohydrates and temporarily supplement the diet with a snack.

It is not recommended to eat this way for a long time, as this can lead to vitamin deficiency. Especially when it comes to fat-soluble vitamins, which cannot be absorbed when eating separately.

Before starting any diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Basic rules

  1. For each meal you need to choose compatible foods that are easily digestible when consumed at the same time.
  2. It is recommended to eat three meals a day. Alternatively, choose alkaline foods for the first meal, proteins with sliced ​​fruits or vegetables for lunch, and starchy foods combined with fruits or fresh vegetables for dinner.
  3. Snacks between three meals are not recommended. so that the body has time to completely digest the food.
  4. It is advisable to take foods that can be eaten fresh, since vitamins are lost during heat treatment. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw.
  5. It is not allowed to eat semi-finished products and other products with complex processing, such as sausages, sausages, ready-made sauces, chips, bacon, croutons.
  6. In proportion, the approximate menu consists of half vegetables, 30% fresh fruits and 20% proteins .
  7. For each meal, it is advisable to consume up to 300 grams of food and up to three components. But make sure that you get at least 1200 kcal per day.
  8. It is important to drink enough water. It is advisable not to drink very cold or hot water as it can irritate the stomach and slow down digestion. After fruits, you can drink water after half an hour, after carbohydrate foods – after a couple of hours, and after meat products after four hours.
  9. The intervals between taking foods from different groups should be about two to three hours. During this time, food is completely digested.
  10. The last meal should be no later than 18 pm.

Recommendations on how to follow separate meals

We tell you where to start with separate meals and what to eat with what. Products are divided into several groups: proteins, simple and complex carbohydrates, animal and vegetable fats, starchy foods, fresh vegetables, unsweetened fruits. It is important to follow the principles of food combinations.

Carbohydrate nutrition consists of cereals, cereals, potatoes, and flour. These products give our body strength, are quickly absorbed and energize us. They are included in the daily diet and can be eaten every day.

Protein nutritionconsists of meat, fish products, eggs and nuts. Proteins are necessary for the body, but they are less easily absorbed when taken simultaneously with carbohydrates. If you take them separately, according to the theory of separate nutrition, they are completely absorbed.

Protein foods (meat, boiled or fried eggs, fish) are eaten only with vegetables without starch.

For one meal You can only eat one protein product. This means that you cannot eat meat dishes with nuts, eggs with meat, cheeses with eggs at the same time.

Vegetables containing a lot of starch can only be eaten with boiled vegetables with a low starch content, and cannot be combined with meat.

Proteins and acidic foods are eaten separately. Citrus fruits and tomatoes are not eaten together with meat dishes, fish, nuts, cheese and eggs.

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Fats and protein foods are eaten separately. Butter and sunflower oil do not go well with meat, cheese, eggs and nuts.

Starchy foods and sugar are eaten separately. That is, baked goods, cereals, cookies and potatoes are not compatible with sweet jams, sugar, honey and syrups.

Nuts and dried fruits can be combined with raw vegetables.

Sugar-containing foods should be eaten separately with main meals.

It is recommended to drink milk only on an empty stomach.

Starchy foods and sour foods are eaten separately. Flour products, as well as potatoes, bananas, legumes, are not recommended to be combined with citrus fruits, pineapples and tomatoes.

Milk, melon and watermelon are not combined with any other products; they are eaten separately.

< p>The ph of the components is also important: they eat sour, neutral and alkaline foods separately. When taking proteins and carbohydrates simultaneously, acidic and alkaline secretions are produced, so the food may not be completely absorbed.

Menu for the week

For breakfast you can eat various cereals, fruits and fresh salads, hard cheeses, whole grain bread with a little butter.

For lunch choose steamed meat or fish in combination with a fresh salad or baked vegetables. Potatoes and pasta are not suitable as a side dish for meat. You can eat vegetable soups.

For dinneran omelet with a portion of green salad, dietary meat is suitable.

Below is a sample menu for the week. When choosing dishes, be guided by the kbju and calorie content of the products, as well as their combination according to the table.

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Option one

Day 1

Breakfast – freshly cooked porridge with milk no added sugar, one orange

Lunch – fish cooked in a steamer and a salad of seasonal vegetables

Dinner – a light omelette of a couple of eggs and vegetables

Day 2

Breakfast – unsweetened oatmeal, tangerine, tea

Lunch – chicken fillet and stewed broccoli

Dinner – scrambled eggs with baked vegetables

Day 3

Breakfast – buckwheat, grapefruit, coffee

Lunch – vegetable stew and cod fillet

Dinner – fresh vegetables with dressing

Day 4

Breakfast – freshly cooked buckwheat porridge and tangerine

Lunch – vegetable broth and dietary fish fillet

< p>Dinner – steamed omelette with parsley and sliced ​​fresh cucumbers

Day 5

Breakfast – milk oatmeal, freshly squeezed orange juice

Lunch – beef with a side dish of tomatoes

Dinner – steamed chicken cutlets and baked vegetables

Day 6

Breakfast – milk oatmeal porridge and Greek yogurt

Lunch – steamed chicken breast and stewed cabbage

Dinner – vegetable broth

Day 7< /p>

Breakfast – fresh buckwheat porridge and tangerine

Lunch – fish fillet and sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes

Dinner – light steamed omelet and vegetable salad

Option two

Day 1

Breakfast – light buckwheat porridge and fruit salad without dressing

Lunch – baked flounder and stewed zucchini

Dinner – vegetable broth with a boiled egg

Day 2

Breakfast – oatmeal on water with fresh fruit

Lunch – boiled chicken fillet and cucumber and tomato salad

Dinner – scrambled eggs from two eggs

Day 3

Breakfast – bulgur and orange

Lunch – fish fillet and stewed zucchini

< p>Dinner – light omelet without milk and a side dish of tomatoes

Day 4

Breakfast – millet porridge and freshly squeezed apple juice

Lunch – boiled beef and celery salad

Dinner – a portion of broccoli baked with cheese

Day 5

Breakfast – buckwheat porridge and a glass unsweetened kefir

Lunch – baked pike and vegetable stew

Dinner – vegetable side dish and omelet

Day 6

< p>Breakfast – oatmeal, seasoned with kefir and orange

Lunch – boiled chicken and vegetable stew

Dinner – chicken broth

Day 7

Breakfast – couscous with fresh tomatoes< /p>

Lunch – baked beef and ratatouille

Dinner – vegetable broth

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Option three

Day 1

Breakfast – muesli with low-fat milk, kiwi, tea

Lunch – boiled fish fillet, vegetables cooked in a steamer

Dinner – vegetable broth

Day 2

Breakfast – green apple, oatmeal with skim milk, tea

Lunch – boiled chicken breast baked with broccoli cheese

Dinner – two-egg omelet and vegetable salad

Day 3

Breakfast – grapefruit, muesli with skim milk, tea

Lunch – boiled cod, vegetable side dish, baked eggplant

Dinner – scrambled eggs with tomatoes, stewed vegetables

Day 4

Breakfast – fresh orange juice, steamed turkey and whole grain bread

Lunch – boiled beef, vegetable stew

Dinner – baked cauliflower cabbage with cheese

Day 5

Breakfast – whole grain bread with a slice of cheese, coffee

Lunch – boiled fish fillet and salad tomatoes and cucumbers

Dinner – omelet with stewed mushrooms, fresh green salad

Day 6

Breakfast – kiwi, oatmeal with skim milk, tea

Lunch – chicken fillet, fresh cucumber salad, boiled cauliflower

Dinner – vegetable broth, stewed zucchini with cheese

Day 7

Breakfast – oatmeal, orange

Lunch – vegetable broth and boiled beef

Dinner – light stew

Sources and literature:
1) Malakhov G. Therapeutic and separate nutrition. Tips, recipes, diets – Moscow: Eksmo-Press Publishing House, 2008.
2) Shelton G. The right combination of products – Minsk: Potpourri Publishing House, 2015.