
How to eat feijoa correctly: instructions and recipes with an exotic fruit

We talk about the benefits of this exotic berry, how much feijoa you can eat per day, and what dishes you can prepare from it.

How to eat feijoa correctly: instructions and recipes with an exotic fruit

  • How to eat correctly
  • As much as you can per day
  • Recipes
  • Grated with sugar
  • Muffins with feijoa and lemon
  • Salad with feijoa and tiger prawns
  • Tea
  • Sauce for meat dishes
  • Chutney with ginger for meat
  • With walnuts nuts

Feijoa is an exotic berry with an unusual taste: it resembles strawberry, pineapple and lime at the same time. There are small seeds inside, the skin is denser than the pulp. Different varieties range in size from 2 to 7 cm in length and weigh from 15 to 120 grams. Although feijoa is large, it is a berry and not a fruit. Its fruits are rich in flavonoids, natural antioxidants that have an antibacterial effect and are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. It also contains a large amount of iodine – up to 3 mg per 1 kg, which is more than seafood. The water-soluble form of iodine in the berry is easily absorbed by the human body, so it is useful for the thyroid gland and the prevention of pancreatic diseases. Although not all feijoa varieties are rich in this compound, but only those that grew on the sea coast.

It contains a large amount of vitamin C – about 30 mcg per 100 grams, which supports immunity and has an antioxidant effect. Therefore, the berry can be used to prevent vitamin C deficiency if there are contraindications for eating citrus fruits. The berry contains pectin, iron, calcium and potassium. Pectin helps remove salts of heavy metals from the body, and also cleanses it of toxins. Anthocyanins and catechins in the fruit help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Essential oils have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The berries are rich in fiber – its content is about 6 grams per 100 grams. It normalizes digestion, helps cleanse the walls of the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, stimulates bowel function.Don't miss

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How to eat feijoa correctly

It can be eaten fresh. If the fruits are soft and can be pressed with your finger, then they can be eaten with the peel. Often the berries are sold unripe, as they may become wrinkled or spoiled during transportation. In this case, you can help it ripen at home after purchase. To do this, leave it in the refrigerator or at room temperature for several days. It is important to ensure that it does not spoil, since the fruits very quickly become overripe and can begin to spoil within a few days.

When the berries are ripe, they are eaten whole; for convenience, they can be cut into halves or slices, depending on the size. They can be used to prepare a variety of dishes and drinks: brew as tea, make smoothies, add to salads, make jam, make sauce for meat dishes. During heat treatment, it does not lose vitamins and taste, so it can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Answering the question of how to eat feijoa, with or without peel, you can eat it both by peeling it and with it. The peel is tougher than the pulp and has a tart taste. Therefore, to eat it whole, it is advisable to choose very ripe berries that are soft when pressed, in which case they will be quite sweet. If the skin is hard, the berry can be rubbed with sugar so as not to discard the beneficial substances in the fruit shell. The peel contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. It also contains phenolic compounds, catechins, and beneficial enzymes that serve in the prevention of many diseases. Essential oils in the skin have antibacterial and antifungal effects.

If you don't want to eat the peel, you can eat only the pulp. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals. In this case, you can cut off the cap or cut it in half and scoop out the pulp with a small spoon. It is better not to throw away the remaining peel, but to use it to make tea or mix it with fruits and vegetables in a smoothie.

We'll tell you how to eat feijoa raw. Before eating fresh fruits, they must be washed with water. If they are ripe enough, they can be eaten whole with the skin to get the maximum beneficial properties and vitamins. For convenience, they are cut in half. If the skin is hard, cut off the top part and scoop out the pulp using a teaspoon. You can also cut the berries into slices or slices. Feijoa can be rubbed with granulated sugar and added to fruit and vegetable salads. It goes well with almost any ingredient, suitable for desserts and as a side dish for meat dishes. The tart flavor of the peel pairs well with fruits and vegetables in smoothies. You can use the peel to make tea. For this, it is used both fresh and dried.

How much feijoa can you eat per day

Although the fruits are very healthy, for those who are trying exotic berries for the first time, it is better to limit themselves to one or two pieces a day to avoid allergies. In addition, excessive consumption of berries can cause digestive upset. If there is no individual intolerance, you can eat no more than four pieces daily, this is about 100 grams. In case of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, you should not eat berries. They contain a large amount of tannins, as well as essential oils, which can irritate the mucous membranes.

Since the berries are rich in iodine, caution should be exercised if you have thyroid problems. In this case, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to clarify whether it is safe to eat. You should not eat it in combination with milk, as it may cause bloating and digestive problems.

Many people wonder whether feijoa can be eaten if you have diabetes. This fruit does not have a high glycemic index – no more than 40 units. Although ripe berries contain about 8 grams of sugar per 100 grams, they also contain a lot of fiber and nutrients. Feijoa can be consumed in moderation for diabetes of any type, since it does not overload the pancreas. Additionally, the beneficial compounds in this product help regulate pancreatic function.

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    Recipes with feijoa

    This berry can be used in desserts, drinks, salads and even as a sauce for meat. It sets off other ingredients and gives a spicy and original taste to any dish.

    Grated with sugar

    A quick way to make a winter preparation with a refreshing taste without cooking. Although feijoa does not lose its beneficial properties during heat treatment, this option is quicker to prepare and healthier.


    • feijoa fruits – 1 kg
    • granulated sugar – 1 kg


    1. For this method of preparation, it is better to choose ripe and soft fruits, then the taste will be sweeter and richer. You can also use less ripe berries, in which case you may need more sugar.
    2. The berries should be washed with water, the stems and tails should be cut off.
    3. Grind in a blender until pureed. Instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder or grate the pulp on a coarse grater. Then the consistency will be less homogeneous, with pieces.
    4. Mix with granulated sugar and let it disperse.
    5. Pour the mixture into sterilized glass jars and keep in the refrigerator. In this form it can be stored for a whole year.

    Muffins with feijoa and lemon

    Lactose-free New muffins are being prepared quite simple, and they will turn out very fragrant thanks to the combination of citrus juice with berries.


    • feijoa berries – 8 pcs.
    • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
    • lemon – 1 pc.
    • wheat flour – 200 grams
    • sunflower oil – 55 ml
    • baking powder – 1.5 tsp
    • granulated sugar – 120 grams
    • salt – on the tip of a knife
    • < li>muffin tins


    1. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
    2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
    3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp.
    4. Mix chicken eggs, vegetable oil and lemon juice.
    5. Combine wheat flour with baking powder and a pinch of salt.
    6. If the feijoa has a hard skin, you can remove it with a knife. Cut the fruits into small cubes.
    7. Mix flour with lemon juice and berries, stir.
    8. Pour the mixture into molds, filling two-thirds of the volume.
    9. Sprinkle on top lemon zest with granulated sugar.
    10. Bake for about 20 minutes until ready.

    Salad with feijoa and tiger prawns

    A tasty and dietary dish that is suitable for both a festive table and dinner. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare, and thanks to the unusual combination of ingredients, even gourmets will enjoy it.


    • feijoa fruit – 410 grams
    • shrimp – 310 grams
    • arugula greens – 110 grams
    • lemon – 1 piece
    • olive oil – 65 ml
    • grainy mustard – 1 tbsp. l.
    • honey – 1 tsp.
    • salt – on the tip of a knife
    • ground black pepper – a pinch
    • chopped pistachios – for decoration


    1. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice into a separate container.
    2. If the feijoa has a hard skin, it can be removed. Ripe fruits can be used whole. Cut the berries into slices, pour over half the amount of lemon juice.
    3. For dressing, mix the second half of the lemon juice with zest, honey, mustard, butter, salt and pepper.
    4. Thaw the shrimp, remove the shells . Make a cut along the back and remove the entrails.
    5. Mix arugula with feijoa, add 1 tbsp dressing. Arrange on plates. Put shrimp on top, pour dressing over and garnish with chopped nuts. Serve immediately.

    Feijoa tea

    You can make a drink from the skins of the fruits if they are too hard to eat. You can also brew tea with pieces of pulp. The peel is rich in flavonoids and tannins, which will make the drink aromatic and very healthy.


    • feijoa berries – 4 pcs.
    • green tea – 1 tsp
    • drinking water – 1000 ml
    • honey – to taste


    1. If the berries are used whole, they need to be washed and cut into small cubes with skin. If you put only the peel, you can use it fresh or dry it in advance.
    2. Pieces of berries can be dried in a frying pan without oil to enhance their taste and aroma.
    3. Pour boiling water over the teapot for brewing, pour in the tea leaves and lay out the fruits. Pour in hot water and leave to steep.
    4. Add honey or lemon.

    Sauce for meat dishes

    The exotic taste of this berry goes very well with meat. It is prepared quite simply, while retaining all the vitamins and beneficial properties.


    • feijoa berries – 0.5 kg
    • walnuts – a handful
    • chili – 1 pepper
    • garlic – head
    • basil – half a bunch
    • parsley – half a bunch
    • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
    • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.


    1. Nuts can first be fried in a dry frying pan to enhance their taste.
    2. Wash the feijoas with water, cut off the tails.
    3. Peel the garlic and cut off the tails.
    4. Rinse the greens.
    5. Grind all ingredients in a blender.
    6. If the paste is too thick, you can add more olive oil.

    Ginger chutney for meat

    This traditional Indian dish can be prepared from the fruits of an exotic berry. It can be served not only with meat, but also with cheese slices.


    • feijoa fruit – 1 kg
    • fresh ginger – 5 cm
    • red onion – 1 piece
    • garlic – 4 cloves
    • honey – 5 tbsp. l.
    • granulated sugar – 160 grams
    • white wine vinegar – 110 ml
    • salt – 1.5 tsp


    1. Wash the berries and cut into small cubes along with the skin. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and leave for 2 hours.
    2. Peel the ginger, onion and garlic cloves and chop finely.
    3. In a saucepan with a wide bottom and thick walls, combine wine vinegar and honey, wait until boil, then add onion, garlic and ginger root and cook for 5 minutes.
    4. Add berries with sugar, stir and let it boil. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Then cool and refrigerate. You need to store it in the refrigerator in a sterile jar.

    Feijoa with walnuts

    An original dessert with a unique taste. A large amount of vitamins will help strengthen the immune system and resist colds.


    • feijoa berries – 1 kg
    • walnuts – 300 grams
    • honey – 300 grams
    • lemon – 1⁄2 for juice


    1. Wash the berries. If they are tough, peel them, then cut them into quarters. Mix with honey in a bowl, stir and crush with a masher.
    2. Pour boiling water over the nuts and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then remove the skin from them. It is easier and faster to remove it from nuts scalded with boiling water. Chop coarsely and add to the fruit.
    3. You can leave it in this form with pieces. If you like a more jammy consistency, the resulting mass can be additionally passed through a blender or meat grinder.
    4. Add the juice of half a lemon and mix thoroughly.
    5. Sterilize the jars and put the resulting mixture in them. Store in the refrigerator.