
Heavenly powers: how to lose weight using the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar diet promises to get rid of a couple of kilograms in five days. There is no mysticism, everything is explainable.

Heavenly powers: how to lose weight with the help of the lunar calendar

In the last century it turned out that under the influence The moons are not only poets and lovers, but also the geomagnetic field of the Earth. The moon controls many processes, including influencing our psychophysical state. All water sources on Earth are subject to its gravitational force. And our body is 90% water, so we can fully feel the influence of the moon. This is what the diet is based on: by adjusting the diet during certain lunar phases, you can influence the amount of fluid in the body and reduce weight.

New Moon

Source: Kramp + G ölling/Rights Managed/StockFood/

The new moon is very strong. This is a time of intense detoxification. Drink more water, it will flush out toxins and waste. The luckiest people lose up to 3 kg (!) per day during this period.

Your food now: vegetable soups, juices, green tea.

Waxing moon

Appetite grows along with it. Eat less, eliminate sweets as much as possible. Then the kilograms lost during the new moon will not return.

Dinner no later than 18:00. 

Full Moon

During this period, fasting days are useful, accelerating the metabolism.

Do not neglect jelly, fruit drinks, fruits and herbal teas.

Waning moon

Reduces appetite and cravings for sweets. The pounds melt away on their own. It is important to simply maintain a certain level of fluid, that is, drink eight glasses of water per day.

Focus on a low-carb menu: less bread, more vegetables and fish.

Menu for three days

Source: PHEBY Barbara/Rights Managed/StockFood/

Is it difficult to adjust to the lunar phases of the month? An express option is suitable.

The day before the full moon

1.5 kg of any fresh or cooked vegetables (except potatoes), divided into 4-6 meals. Skip the salt. In salads, use vinegar and olive oil. Drink tea and rose hip decoction.

Full moon

In the morning: a glass of still mineral water, 1/2 grapefruit.

Breakfast:yogurt and applesauce or banana.

Second breakfast: orange-lemon juice.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup or chicken broth.

Afternoon snack: herbal tea with honey.

Dinner: vegetable juice.

At night: green tea with honey.

After the full moon

Food for the day: half a kilo pineapple, 1 kg of mushrooms. Divide everything into 4-6 meals. Tea at night — kefir.