
Fruit Diet: When and What to Eat to Lose Weight

In the summer, switching from heavy and hot food to lighter food is especially pleasant, and also useful – with the right approach, you can lose up to 10 kg. For this purpose, there is a diet based on fruits, the most effective options of which we have collected in the article.

Fruit diet: when and what to eat to lose weight

  • The health benefits of a fruit diet
  • Disadvantages and contraindications
  • Diet rules
  • What fruits are eaten on a diet, and which ones — no
  • The healthiest seasonal fruits
  • 6 most effective diets

Fruits and vegetables are one of the main elements of proper nutrition, especially dietary nutrition. After all, with their help we get a large amount of vitamins and minerals. They support immunity and slimness. It has long been known that the healthiest ones are seasonal, that is, those that we buy during their ripening season, when they are still fresh, retain the maximum concentration of nutrients. They can become not only an addition to the diet, but also its basis. They can be eaten in a diet all year round, but in the summer they are especially relevant. Firstly, because in the warm season there are a lot of them, and secondly, in the heat it is even easier to follow such a diet – you don’t really want to eat hot soup or a rather heavy meat dish. True, you need to know moderation in everything. We tell you what fruits you can eat on a diet and how much per day can still be harmful.

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  • Don't miss Fruits or vegetables: which is actually healthier < /li>

Health benefits of a fruit diet

Fast results

The fruit diet is one of the fastest and easiest ways to lose weight, you will notice the results in just a few days. After all, it dramatically reduces the number of calories you consume.

Energy boost

You will feel more energetic than usual. After a normal diet, we often feel tired and lethargic (the body needs time and energy to digest food), but after a fruit diet, vigor appears. However, this may not be the case for everyone. Sometimes consuming too few calories can have the opposite effect on your energy levels. But as a rule, this happens due to too long restrictions. Therefore, although this is a healthy diet, a week on fruit should be the maximum period. 

Increasing levels of nutrients and antioxidants

Fruits are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that will help keep your body healthy and functioning at its best. And fiber, which is abundant in fruits (mostly in the peel), is good for bowel function and also helps control blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full longer.

No need to count calories

If know the list of low-calorie fruits; no complicated calculations are required. This greatly simplifies the process of dieting. 

Also fruits:

  1. Fight bad cholesterol.
  2. Cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  3. Fill the body with water.
  4. They have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  5. Help get rid of cellulite

Disadvantages and contraindications

For all its benefits, frequent consumption of only fruit deprives you of useful substances , which are not included in their composition – for example, protein. With a diet that lasts longer than 2 weeks, protein starvation may occur. This can affect muscle health and tone.

In addition, they contain fructose (which is also sugar), which in large quantities does not promote weight loss, but, on the contrary, stimulates the deposition of fat cells.

Who is not suitable for the diet

  1. Allergy sufferers.
  2. Those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially high acidity, ulcers).
  3. Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Diet rules

  1. Meals should be fractional, 3-5 times a day.
  2. Portions should not be large, despite the low calorie content of the products. On average, you can eat 100-200 g at a time.
  3. If possible, it is better to choose food that is grown at home or in environmentally friendly conditions.
  4. You should not get carried away with diuretic products (for example, melon), especially at night – there is a risk of swelling in the morning.
  5. It is necessary to leave a diet (especially a strict one) smoothly. At first, just increase the portions, eat 1 egg every day, eat nuts and cereals as a snack. Gradually allow yourself all the usual dishes.

Which fruits are eaten during the diet, and which — no

Not all fruits equally useful for those losing weight. Some are high in calories and should not be abused.

The most high in calories

  1. Banana.
  2. Figs.
  3. Pomegranate.
  4. Guava.

Lowest calorie

  1. Grapefruit.
  2. Lemon.
  3. Tangerine.
  4. Orange.
  5. Apple.
  6. Pear.
  7. Plum.
  8. Peach.
  9. Pineapple.

The healthiest seasonal fruits

Month Fruits

avocado, quince, orange, grapefruit, pear, kiwi, lemon, tangerine, persimmon, apple


avocado, pineapple, orange, banana, pomegranate, grapefruit, pear, kiwi, lemon, tangerine, apple


avocado, pineapple, orange, banana, pomegranate, grapefruit, kiwi, lime, lemon, tangerine, apple


avocado, pineapple, orange, banana, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine


apricot, tangerine, peach


apricot, nectarine, peach


apricot, nectarine, peach

August < p>apricot, pear, melon, nectarine, peach, plum, apple


pear, melon, nectarine, plum, apple


quince, pomegranate, pear, plum, persimmon, apple


quince, pomegranate, pear, kiwi, tangerine, plum, persimmon, apple


avocado, quince, orange, pomegranate, grapefruit, pear, kiwi, mango, tangerine, persimmon, apple

6 most effective diets< /h2>

1. Mono-diet

Its essence is the choice of only one product (most often apples, grapefruits, pineapples), any one you wish. May last 1-2 days. The result is a loss of up to 3 kg.

You can eat up to 2 kg of fruit per day, dividing it into 4-5 approximately equal portions. You need to drink water and freshly squeezed juice.

You cannot follow this approach for longer than 2 days due to the lack of all the necessary nutrients, but you can repeat it periodically.

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  • Don't miss The most nutritious fruit in the world: 4 amazing properties of avocados

2. Multifruit

Diet of vegetables, berries and fruits added to regular dishes. It can last from 1 day to a week, allowing you to lose 5 kg.

Sample menu for the day:

Breakfast: a glass of orange juice.

Second breakfast: boiled rice, half pineapple, kiwi.

Lunch: tomato salad (100 g), boiled broccoli or cauliflower (100 g), lean meat (100 g).

< p>Afternoon snack:a cocktail of freshly squeezed juice of orange, carrot, pineapple, apple.

Dinner: salad of apples and pears (150 g), stewed eggplants or zucchini.

Snack if desired: 1 piece of whole grain bread, 1 glass of curdled milk, yogurt or cottage cheese.

3. Fruit and berry

Lasts no longer than 7 days. 4-6 meals a day.


  • Sugar;
  • Potatoes;
  • < li>Pasta;

  • Bakery products;
  • Cereals.

You can eat:

  • Fish, lean meat;
  • Beans;
  • Cheese;
  • Nuts.


  1. Protein dishes cannot be combined with sour ones; eat 10-15 minutes after them.
  2. Be sure to drink 2.5 liters of water, freshly squeezed juice, tea per day.
  3. ol>

    4. System “Minus 10”

    An unloading system that allows you to lose up to 10 kg in a week. You can't sit on it for more than a week. You can repeat a maximum of 4 times a year. Products are distributed strictly according to meals. But you can choose fruits at your discretion, seasonal or just your favorite.

    Menu for the day:

    Breakfast: grapefruit, 2 -3 nuts or crackers.

    Lunch:omelette, a cup of apple slices, steamed meat (or seafood).

    Afternoon snack: apple or orange, a few minutes later watermelon or melon.

    Dinner:berry salad, lean fish.

    Snack optional:egg or piece of cheese.

    5. Diet on vegetables and fruits

    Can also last from 1 to several days. Be sure to drink 2 liters of water.

    Sample menu for the day:

    Breakfast: cottage cheese with melon.

    Second breakfast:apple salad with yogurt.

    Lunch: cold vegetable soup (beetroot soup, gazpacho), baked vegetables, green salad.

    Afternoon snack:< /strong> watermelon.

    Dinner: salad of melon, apples, pears, peppers stuffed with rice, a handful of berries.

    6. Jusing

    The essence is the use of all products in the form of freshly squeezed juices. Other foods are excluded. This system will allow you to cleanse your body of everything unnecessary and lose weight. An additional advantage of the juice nutrition system is that in this form, food is absorbed much better, does not bring a feeling of heaviness, but gives lightness, vigor, while filling the body with moisture.

    The course lasts from 3 days to a week.


    1. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon or ginger.
    2. You need to drink juice at least 6 times a day at intervals of 2 hours.
    3. The juice should only be freshly squeezed.
    4. The maximum portion of fruit for preparing juice for 1 time is 5 pieces.