
Diet table No. 1: sample menu for a week for a sick stomach

Proper nutrition is not only about losing weight, but also about health. This technique is considered one of the most strict, but it allows you to cure intestinal disorders. We tell you what the medical table 1 diet is and how to stick to it correctly.

Diet table No. 1: sample menu for a week for a sick stomach

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  • Where did the diet come from
  • Who benefits from diet table 1
  • What is possible, what is not allowed
  • Can you go on this diet on your own
  • Menu for the week
  • Healthy recipes
  • Food, there is so much in this word… It is not only fuel for the body, but also a source of pleasure, an antidepressant and a relaxant in one plate. Unfortunately, excessive love for goodies often ends in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the most common of which are gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    Remember yourself after the New Year or May holidays. A couple of days – and the jellied fish and barbecue make you sick, and your body asks for something soulfully simple. The pit of the stomach aches, itches, requires medication and fasting.

    Instinctively, we push dense food to the far corner and switch to lean steamed cutlets. In other words, we go on a gentle diet.

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    Where did the diet come from?

    The influence of food on the body and diet therapy – treatment with food have long been known to mankind, but it was only at the beginning of the 20th century that all this knowledge was collected together. One of the founders of Soviet dietetics is Manuel Isaakovich Pevzner.

    Pevzner's healing menus have been known since 1921. It was then that the scientist created a special system for healing the body. Pevzner's dietary menus are still used as the main recommendations in various medical centers and sanatoriums for people undergoing treatment or recovering from various diseases.

    There are sixteen diets in total: from zero to fifteen. The strictest one is numbered “0”. It is prescribed immediately after surgery. The freest fifteenth, from which we can conclude that diet or table number one has only slight concessions compared to zero. For about a hundred years, these diets were prescribed by doctors, they were followed in sanatoriums and hospitals, seating patients at tables in accordance with their health.

    After the transition to the Bologna system, the division of medical nutrition into tables practically disappears from domestic dietetics. An individual approach is at the forefront; a nutritionist does not treat a disease, but works with the root cause. Each organism, as well as the causes of the disease, are individual, therefore, before developing a menu, it is necessary to carry out appropriate diagnostics, but still consider the features of table number one.

    Who benefits from diet table 1

    This technique is designed to minimize the load on the gastrointestinal tract without depriving the body of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The diet reduces the chemical, mechanical and thermal effects on the gastrointestinal tract, allowing it to restore its function. 

    It is prescribed in the following cases:

    • stomach and duodenal ulcers during the recovery period after a sharp exacerbation and with a mild exacerbation;
    • mild exacerbation of chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion;
    • acute gastritis during the recovery period.

    The 1st table diet after surgery is ideal, as it allows the body to recover gently. 

    1 table, what is possible, what is not

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    table number 1 according to Pevzner includes:

    • calorie content – about 2000 kcal;
    • proteins – 80 g;
    • carbohydrates – 200 g;
    • fat – 80-90 g;
    • liquid – 1.5 l;
    • meals 6 times a day in small portions. 


    First of all, spices are excluded, especially pepper, marinades, as they irritate peristalsis and coarse fibers that interfere with healing.

    All food must be boiled or steamed, grated. Salt is limited. Avoid eating too hot or cold foods. Baking is possible, but without forming a crust on the product.

    Lump meat is prohibited. The only acceptable low-fat types of fish, the meat of which has a delicate texture.

    Particular attention should be paid to broths, they are also prohibited. Not only meat, but also chicken, fish, and even vegetables.

    Vegetable broth with pureed ingredients is allowed. Milk soups should also contain pureed pasta or cereals.

    The bread should be yesterday's baked. Dry biscuits and even baked pies with non-sour minced meat fillings are allowed.

    Canned food and smoked products are strictly prohibited. But in this case, you can remember about children's canned meat in their first complementary foods.

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    You can

    There are only 1 allowed foods on the diet – milk is allowed, except for sour, fatty and spicy ones: sour cream, spicy or highly salted cheeses.

    Eggs can only be soft-boiled or as a steamed omelet.

    Vegetables and fruits that promote fermentation and gas formation are prohibited: cabbage, radishes, radishes, tomatoes, plums, sour gooseberries.

    It is worth abstaining from carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, ice cream and other sweets.

    Adhere to table number one for at least a week, after which gradually introduce familiar foods into the diet.

    Is it possible to go on this diet on your own?

    It is important to remember that this diet, although it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is therapeutic and should only be prescribed by a doctor. If you don’t have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you don’t need to use table 1 just to lose weight. To restrict calories, other diets can be used that will provide the required amount of nutrients at a normal activity level. The diet is designed to slow down the gastrointestinal tract and is not suitable for every day. 

    Table 1 diet: menu for the week

    Although the list of products is quite limited, the diet for gastritis table 1 can be varied and tasty. We present an approximate diet for the week.


    Breakfast:steam omelette of two eggs, kefir.


    Lunch:potato casserole with steamed fish cutlets, compote with pears.

    Snack: jelly, croutons.

    Dinner:curd and berry pudding with steam omelet, rosehip decoction.

    At night:milk .


    Breakfast:noodle casserole with grated cheese, milk.

    Snack: berry jelly.

    Lunch:buckwheat puree soup, steamed meatballs, strawberry juice.

    Snack:strawberry jelly.

    Dinner:pasta with vegetables, rosehip decoction.

    At night:milk.


    Breakfast:rice porridge with honey , soft-boiled egg, yogurt.

    Afternoon snack:apple-peach puree.

    Lunch:vegetable soup, tea with milk.

    Snack: jelly, marshmallows.

    Dinner:steamed fish, tea with milk.

    At night:warm milk with honey.


    Breakfast: cottage cheese with dried apricots, milk.

    Snack:banana puree.

    Lunch:spaghetti with steamed meatballs, milk soup, compote.

    < strong>Afternoon snack:melon puree.

    Dinner:beetroot and carrot puree, spinach salad, apricot juice.

    For the night:milk.


    Breakfast:curd mass, milk.

    Snack: banana, chamomile decoction.

    Lunch:buckwheat cutlets, liver pate, green tea.

    Snack: jelly made with milk.

    Dinner: carrot and cheese salad, rice flour soup (recipe below).

    Bedtime: milk.


    Breakfast: carrot pudding, tea with milk.

    Snack: cottage cheese and berry dessert.

    Lunch: carrot and apple cutlets, cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.

    Afternoon snack:applesauce.

    Dinner:semolina meatballs with berry sauce.

    At night:kefir.


    Breakfast:mashed potatoes, meatloaf, milk.

    Snack:mashed apples and bananas.

    Lunch:meat broth with dumplings, mashed potatoes, peach juice.

    Afternoon snack:yogurt.

    Dinner:Curd casserole.

    At night:Kefir.

    Useful recipes

    We looked at the benefits of diet table 1; recipes for the week can be taken from the menu above. Now we want to give examples of three very useful soups for such a strict diet. Take note.

    Rice soup with vegetables


    • ready-made meat broth – 400 ml
    • rice – 250 g
    • milk – 1 cup
    • egg – 1 pc.
    • greens – a pinch


    1. Boil the rice.
    2. Add to the prepared meat broth, cook for five minutes.
    3. Whisk a glass of milk with an egg, add to the soup.
    4. Continue cooking over low heat for two minutes.
    5. Add a pinch of herbs to the finished soup.

    Boiled meat dumplings in broth


    • beef – 250 g
    • onions – 1 piece
    • bread – 2 slices
    • sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons
    • milk – 2 tbsp. spoons
    • water – 1 liter.


    1. Finely chop the meat and onion.< /li>
    2. Lightly fry the onion.
    3. Soak 2 slices of bread in milk, divide into pieces, mix with sour cream.
    4. Pass the meat and onion through a meat grinder, salt.
    5. Divide the minced meat into equal pieces.
    6. Make meat broth. When the water boils, immediately place the dumplings in it and cook for 15 minutes.

    Curee soup with rice flour and vegetables


    • rice flour – 150 g
    • zucchini – 20 g
    • carrots – 150 g
    • egg – half
    • milk – 150 g
    • butter — to taste
    • salt — to taste


    1. Peel the zucchini and carrots, boil, mince or rub through a sieve.
    2. Mix the rice flour thoroughly with the minced vegetables, add water, season with beaten egg and milk, add butter, salt, and let it boil.