
Anti-aging diet: how to eat to prolong youth

Proper nutrition is the key to health. However, not everyone knows what exactly they need to eat in order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. 

Anti-aging diet: how to eat to prolong youth

Over the years, age-related changes make themselves felt. They begin to appear not only on our face in the form of wrinkles, jowls and swelling, but also in the form of rapid fatigue, poor health and a weak body. One of the most effective ways to combat aging is proper nutrition, because, as you know, we are what we eat. We have to become more selective in choosing products for our daily diet in order not only to maintain a beautiful figure, but also to prolong our youth and improve our health. We learned more about how to eat in order to delay aging from general practitioner and nutritionist Elena Truskova. 

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Diet of centenarians

One of the most studied diets in the world is the Mediterranean diet. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed, and it has been proven that such a diet will be useful at any age for both women and men. The Mediterranean diet became known in the early 1950s, when the team of American physiologist Ancel Keys, who studied the effects of diet on health, discovered a link between diet and life expectancy.

Eating on this principle has shown its effectiveness in preventing chronic diseases such as arterial hypertension, oncology due to the positive impact on the duration and quality of life. It’s not called the long-livers diet for nothing.  

The basis of the Mediterranean diet

The diet of centenarians is based on a large amount of cold-pressed olive oil, whole grains and products made from them, as well as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and herbs. A little less often (2-4 times a week) it is recommended to consume protein sources such as fish, eggs and poultry, as well as low-fat dairy products without added sugar. As part of this type of diet, you should limit the amount of red meat and foods related to fast carbohydrates, for example, sweets and any desserts. 

This type of diet allows you to maintain a healthy body weight and improve carbohydrate metabolism, including glucose and insulin. Following the Mediterranean diet also has a beneficial effect on the prevention of depression, age-related dementia, and helps reduce the level of chronic inflammation and atherosclerosis due to the fact that it contains a lot of foods with healthy omega-3 acids. 

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What you can eat

These healthy Mediterranean diet foods help you stay healthy after 30, restoring your well-being and energy. 

Olive oil

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Oil is produced from olives using the centrifugation method. In ancient times, the product was obtained by natural cold pressing, but due to the need to produce large volumes at high speed, it has now switched to a more modern method. 

The oil contains healthy fats, including oleic acid (omega-9), which makes up up to 80% of all fatty acids present in the composition. The substance is a monounsaturated fatty acid and helps reduce inflammation and atherosclerosis. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not require additional energy expenditure. 

If you notice a slight burning sensation along the back of your throat while drinking olive oil, then do not rush to mistake it for an allergy. Such sensations are considered normal and they arise due to the content of the phenolic compound “oleocanthal” in the product, which has anti-inflammatory properties. 

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant in the body, having a positive effect on oxidative processes in the body and the functioning of the immune system. The product is also useful as a regulator of the menstrual cycle and maintaining the quality of the reproductive system. 


Berries are considered a more preferable treat for a healthy diet than fruits. They have a low glycemic index and do not lead to fluctuations in blood sugar. 

Berries are a storehouse of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The most useful, recognized by anti-aging medicine doctors, are blueberries, blueberries, raspberries and sea buckthorn. They can be consumed either fresh or added to various dishes. It is also useful to prepare warm fruit juice without added sugar from the berries, which will replace sweet juices from the store. 

Fish and seafood

< p>The body absorbs protein from fish and seafood more easily than from meat, so fish has proven itself to be an excellent dietary product. It is traditionally believed that red salmon fish are healthier than white fish. The main advantage of the former is that red wild fish contains more omega-3 fatty acids than white fish. In addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, salmon fish are rich in fat-soluble vitamins, important amino acids (tryptophan, valine, leucine, arginine), as well as B vitamins and microelements. 

Consuming omega-3 foods helps reduce inflammation in the body, control metabolism, improve nervous system function and transmission of nerve impulses, and maintain normal levels of triglycerides, the fats that make up cell membranes. 

Our body does not produce omega-3 acids, and therefore it is necessary that they enter it from food or along with dietary supplements. When choosing what kind of fish to buy, give preference to wild sea fish rather than farmed ones – they contain more omega-6 than omega-3, so they are considered less healthy. 

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Of the many seafood products, it is worth highlighting oysters, which are the champion in serving zinc with a content of 70-80 milligrams per 100 grams, which is approximately 5-7 times more than the daily requirement. Products rich in zinc are very important for every person and especially for people weakened after suffering an acute respiratory viral disease, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. 

Zinc plays a very important role in the reproductive system, affects the quality of bone tissue, helps rapid wound healing and improves cognitive function. The body does not produce zinc, so our task is to replenish its reserves from the outside every day. 

Vegetables and greens


Vegetables and greens are a must-have for those who decide to follow a Mediterranean diet. It is recommended to consume at least 400 grams per day daily to replenish the amount of fiber that is necessary for the microorganisms living inside us to restore the microflora of the digestive organs and control intestinal motility. Fresh vegetables and herbs are also necessary to maintain the level of chlorophyll, a pigment with strong antioxidant activity, and essential oils. 

Consumption of large amounts of fiber is contraindicated for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase. If you notice discomfort in your stomach or intestines after eating raw vegetables, be sure to consult a doctor. 


Bitters (bitter foods) are necessary for our body to maintain stable bile flow along with quality fats and warm water. The quality of bile affects detoxification – the body’s ability to independently get rid of waste and toxins. To maintain a stable flow of bile, add the following products to your diet:

  • arugula;
  • ginger;
  • horseradish;
  • grapefruit ;
  • radish;
  • radish. 

Despite the beneficial properties of ginger and grapefruit, you should be careful with them. Grapefruit increases the concentration of many medications, and ginger has blood thinning properties and can cause discomfort and burning in case of problems with the gastrointestinal mucosa. 


Nuts have high nutritional value, namely:

  • contain polyunsaturated fats, mostly omega-6 and omega-3, which support the beauty and health of hair, nails and skin;
  • contain high amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, B vitamins;
  • have a low glycemic index, therefore recommended for people suffering from diabetes;
  • plant fibers in the composition improve digestion;
  • help maintain quality sleep if you have trouble falling asleep. 

Despite all the benefits, the product is high in calories, and it is advisable to limit its amount to 30 grams per day. With excessive consumption, weight gain and overly active stimulation of bile flow are possible, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. 

Nuts go well with berries and fruits, use them as a filling snack, and add them to salads as a superfood. When choosing a product in the store, give preference to unroasted nuts, because when heated at high temperatures, the vegetable oils contained in nuts oxidize and turn into toxic ones. After purchasing, be sure to wash the nuts in water or soak them for several hours.

Having introduced all these healthy foods into your diet, it is important not to forget about the principle of variety. The more different fruits, vegetables and herbs, the more diverse the intestinal microflora will be, which, in turn, will provide you with strong immunity, stable digestion and a great mood. 

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What not to eat< /h2>

When following the Mediterranean diet, foods that accelerate aging, worsen skin quality and negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract at any age are prohibited. 

  • fried crust products;
  • deep-fried;
  • alcohol, especially beer and sweet wines;
  • sweet and overly salty sauces;
  • sausage products and processed foods;
  • baked goods made from white flour;
  • < li>foods and drinks with added sugar. 

How to build a healthy diet.

It may seem that the Mediterranean diet is expensive and complicated, because in which regular store can you find oysters or cheap olive oil? However, everything is much simpler, and everyone can afford proper nutrition. Let's look at the example of one meal.

To do this, we will use the Harvard plate rule, which states that the dish should be divided into 4 parts, ¼ for a protein product, ¼ for a side dish (cereals, pasta), ¼ for vegetables and ¼ for berries or fruits. 

A healthy plate might look something like this:

  1. steamed poultry cutlet;
  2. stewed or steamed vegetables;
  3. boiled buckwheat with the addition of butter or GHI oil;
  4. berries and fruits as a dessert or snack. 

In addition to the fact that the Mediterranean diet recommends a certain set of foods and the frequency of their consumption, the basis of its pyramid is not even food, but social interactions between people, physical activity and active entertainment. The authors of this diet in the updated version immediately indicate that a one-sided approach to health does not work. 

No matter how healthy we eat, if there is no established sleep schedule, physical activity, stress management and an adequate environment, then a positive result will never be achieved. When choosing a diet for centenarians, remember about a comprehensive approach to health.