
5 unexpected myths about diets, because of which you can’t lose weight

Diets are a whole culture. And it greatly influences how we choose to lose or maintain weight – and sometimes this influence is not at all positive for us. What popular beliefs about diets only get in the way? Find out from the article.

5 unexpected myths about diets, because of which you can't lose weight

You read a million articles about losing weight, books, watched all the videos, consulted with all your friends – you started to lose weight, but for some reason you can’t. What's the matter? The negative influence of diet culture, which also exists. She has her own “ways” for this, and they are hidden in myths that are still popular in society.

Myths about losing weight that only get in the way:

1It is important to follow any healthy people on social networks and follow their example.

Social networks can have a very negative impact on your desire to lose weight, although, it would seem, on the contrary, they should motivate you and set an example. Constant exposure to idealized body images, stories about weight changes, or good/bad statements about food can lead to even greater body dissatisfaction and… dieting.

This does not mean that you need to unfollow everyone and not watch anything. Just make sure that you don't just see an idealized image of a PP girl in your feed, but a variety of figures, and you're not made to feel like you have to eat exclusively, as they say.

Next time you open a social media app, pay attention to how you feel about your body before you scroll, and then check in with yourself again. If you notice that you're feeling worse, make it a rule to immediately unfollow any accounts that force their diet mentality on you. Try to diversify your feed by following creators with bodies of all shapes and sizes. And also focus on health, and not just on losing weight.

2 It’s worth eating foods that match “ low-calorie”, “low-fat”, “sugar-free”, etc.

The food and beverage industry bases its marketing strategy on customer demand by labeling foods and beverages as low-calorie, low-fat, sugar-free, gluten-free, etc. As a result, it is impossible to avoid or be influenced by these terms when you are in the grocery store. Even if you're not explicitly trying to eat low-fat foods or cut down on sugar, for example, it can be hard to shake the belief that foods that are lower in certain nutrients (and higher in others) are inherently better than their traditional counterparts. But it is not always the case. Gluten has no effect on many people, sugar-free products can often have artificial additives, and low-fat ones can deprive you of even healthy fats that you need even on a diet.

Of course, it's normal to have preferences for certain foods, and perhaps there are some “healthy” foods that you really like and help you in some way. But try again to buy a product with some kind of marking for a week, and then the same one, but without it, for another week. See how you feel, and then decide which version you prefer based on your own experience rather than on “healthy” labels that are essentially just marketing gimmicks.

3 It’s better to lose weight using your friends’ methods

Yes, it happens – a friend has lost weight and convinces you to try her method. But for some reason you can't do it. This is because the other person’s body and their relationship with food is their business, not yours. Of course you can try. But don’t be upset if her method doesn’t suit you. There is no need to torment yourself further – discover the rules that work for you.

Sometimes the advice of five friends and three acquaintances from the gym can only have a negative effect – the method of losing weight should suit you, first of all.

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4 You can sharply limit your food intake before a vacation/important event

When people talk about “healthy” eating, the word “balanced” is often used. And this has nothing to do with express diets. But we know a lot of ways to suddenly “unload” – sit on buckwheat, kefir, or even go hungry for a couple of days.

However, there is no point in such methods – perhaps you will lose weight. But this is stress for the body, and after receiving food, it will store it just in case you suddenly decide to mock it like that again. And he will get food – because we often lose weight this way before a vacation or some holiday, where there is already plenty of delicious food. What kind of balanced diet can we talk about in this case?

Yes, you can slightly reduce the portion size a few days before something important. But if you have a feast coming up, before it it’s better, on the contrary, to eat normally, something light but filling (protein, fiber) – so as not to be hungry for all the dishes.

5It's healthy to cut out foods in the name of “gut health,” “hormonal balance,” or some other vague health goal

Because strict dieting raises eyebrows (rightfully so, as we wrote in the previous point), many people in the health and wellness community have begun to associate dietary restrictions with other supposed (often vague) benefits such as “gut health” or “ hormonal balance.” But in fact, these nutritional rules in most cases are simply aimed at losing weight.

Some healthy lifestyle influencers encourage you to avoid a long list of foods to relieve bloating or digestive discomfort, or on certain days of your menstrual cycle. These recommendations often seem tempting because they make huge promises, such as never feeling bloated again or getting rid of all the unpleasant menstrual symptoms forever. But there is rarely a lot of high-quality evidence behind this advice, which is why the result may be short-lived or not at all.

Any such nutritional rules should be given by a doctor, and no one else. Moreover, based on your analyzes and goals. In general, a diet is balanced meals that include proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and where the food is tasty, and not just restrictions for the sake of losing weight.

Diet trends can vary. There is no need to completely eliminate diets and not listen at all to what is advised in the media or social networks. Instead, it is important to notice what fashionable trends in diets influence your thoughts and desire to lose weight negatively, in other words, they lead you into complexes and generally discourage you from trying. Try not to pay attention to such things and follow the advice proven by experts.