Beauty Encyclopedia



“Aquashine” is a Korean drug for the biorevitalization procedure, which is a type of mesotherapy (injection of a vitamin solution under the skin along with medications, as well as plant and animal extracts). The drug “Aquashine” appeared on the Russian market quite recently, but has already gained popularity due to its effectiveness and perfectly balanced composition.

Unlike most injections, which require cosmetologists to mix the ingredients themselves, the composition of the Aquashine preparation is carefully selected, all components are tested, and their proportions are verified.

What is biorevitalization

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Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a procedure aimed at replenishing the natural supply of hyaluronic acid in the body's tissues by introducing special preparations.

The biorevitalization method (literally translated from Italian as “biological revitalization of the skin”) was invented in Italy in the early 2000s by the doctor di Pietro and is a type of mesotherapy, known since the mid-50s of the last century. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the connective and epithelial tissues, participates in all processes occurring in the tissues, and also promotes skin regeneration, binds and retains moisture in the cells.

Unfortunately, with age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid in the human body decreases significantly. Thus, by the age of forty, its synthesis drops by 50% compared to the indicators that were at twenty to twenty-five, and after sixty, its production is only 15% of the original figure.

Biorevitalization “Aquashine”< /h2> Source: ShutterStock/

The composition of Aquashine injections includes the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid.
  • peptides (powerful antioxidants);
  • minerals and coenzymes (particles containing useful elements such as phosphorus);
  • amino acids (responsible for regeneration processes in the skin);
  • vitamins.

The formula of the drug has been carefully verified, has passed all clinical tests and has proven its effectiveness in practice. There are three main products in the Aquashine line, which are selected individually depending on the skin type and the existing problem.

  • “Aquashine Soft”. A universal drug, suitable for any skin type, promotes rejuvenation, giving the skin a healthy, fresh look;
  • “Aquashine BR”. Used on skin with increased pigmentation;
  • “Aquashine BTX”. The name of the drug contains the word “Botox”, which means the drug has an effect on the facial muscles, helping to reduce facial wrinkles.

Procedure and result

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Compared to a similar procedure, mesotherapy, biorevitalization gives the best result, since the concentration of active components in its injections is much higher. This especially applies to Aquashine biorevitalization. The biorevitalization procedure with hyaluronic acid lasts about forty minutes — hours. To achieve optimal results, a course is required (3-4 sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks). There are 2 courses throughout the year. If necessary, additional procedures can be performed to maintain the effect. The process is as follows.

1. Preparatory stage. The face is cleansed of decorative cosmetics, as well as dirt and grease using special products, and disinfected. If necessary, apply anesthetic cream;

2. Main stage. The drug is administered using multiple injections with the finest needles at a distance of approximately 1 cm along the massage lines. Papules form on the face from injections, the skin swells, the puncture site looks like a mosquito bite (all this goes away 1-2 days after the procedure;

3. Final stage. At the end of the procedure, an antiseptic, a soothing mask and a healing cream are applied to the skin.

After the Aquashine procedure, you should refrain from taking aspirin, antibiotics, alcohol for 5 days, and avoid heavy physical activity. It is also prohibited for two weeks after the session to visit the sauna and bathhouse, sunbathe, go to the solarium and appear in the open sun for a month without protective equipment. 

Indications and contraindications for the use of the Aquashine biorevitalization procedure

The following skin changes have indications for the use of the Aquashine procedure.

  • The first signs of skin aging: the appearance of wrinkles, unhealthy, dull complexion, loss of elasticity, development of gravitational ptosis.
  • Dry, dehydrated skin.
  • Pigment spots.
  • The presence of peeling and irritation on the skin.
  • Dark circles under the eyes.
  • Enlarged pores
  • Acne.
  • Sagging skin after sudden weight loss.

The Aquashine biorevitalization procedure is contraindicated in the following cases.

  • If you are allergic to one of the components of the composition.
  • For cancer.
  • Pregnant and lactating women women.
  • For diabetes.
  • For problems with blood vessels.
  • For infectious diseases, herpes.

Very It is important that the procedure is carried out by a good specialist using professional equipment and high-quality raw materials. Then the result will be maximum, and the risk of undesirable consequences will be minimal.

Pros and cons of “Aquashine” biorevitalization

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  • The “Aquashine” biorevitalization procedure not only increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in tissue cells, but at the same time stimulates the natural process of its synthesis.
  • The drug “Aquashine” is used not only for the skin of the face, it is also effective in the décolleté, neck and hands.
  • This is one of the most effective methods of non-surgical treatment of the skin to restore it healthy, fresh appearance, to combat the first signs of aging.
  • The Aquashine biorevitalization procedure gives an immediate effect, which, with maintenance therapy, has a long-lasting effect. 
  • This is not just a solution to an external problem – a facelift, reduction of wrinkles, but also the fight against aging from the inside.

The main thing, together with a specialist, is to select the right drug, prescribe a course, and also follow all recommendations before and after the procedure so that the result meets expectations.